What is ZAP?
ZAP stands for “Zeros aren’t Permitted”...not without some consequences! We believe that you should be aware when your child isn't turning in their work, so we will circle it in the planner for you to check nightly. Then, at the end of the week we will notify you by text to check your child's planner for circled, unfinished work. Students who struggle to get work done will be provided a quiet space with a library or classroom pass at lunch to work independently.
Who will get ZAPPED ?
A student who has not completed his/her classwork or homework at the time it is due will get “Zapped” by their teacher. The teacher will indicate this in the student’s planner by circling the missing assignment in planner so student (and parent) will know that the student is getting ZAPPED.
Note: student has the remainder of the week to get work turned in before officially being"on the ZAP list" for a text home.
What happens if I get ZAPPED ?
Your teacher will inform you that you’ve been ZAPPED, and most classes will have a late penalty of 10-50% late grade.
If you are ZAPPED for 3+ weeks, your Success teacher will contact parents to see where you need to be to get work done...Tutoring? Saturday School? Lunchtime work?
While serving ZAP, you must:
Report immediately to ZAP at the beginning of your lunch period.
Know which assignment/s you are to be working on (the circled ones!) and how to complete them. ZAP zone is not considered a tutoring session.
Bring all necessary materials needed to complete work.
Complete work silently.
How do I get unZAPPED ?
To get unZAPPED, take the completed work to the teacher/s who ZAPPED you in the planner, or email them that it is completed and turned in online (Google classroom, Ed Puzzle, ALEKS program, etc.)
Make sure to take work to the teacher when, how, and where they have established as their procedure for completed work.
If the work is acceptable, the teacher may unZAP you by marking the circled assignment with a signature or stamp. You should also CHECK STUDENT/PARENT Q Connect to be sure you receive a grade within a week!
What's the best way to avoid ZAP?
Do all assignments on time! If you struggle with an assignment at home, email the teacher while you are working on the assignment to ask a question, so the teacher can be prepared to help you the next day, and so the teacher knows that you were attempting to complete all work.