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What happens if I don't call in to excuse my child from being absent?

The computer system will automatically replace any unexcused absences with a truancy after ten days.

What is a truancy and does it affect my child?

A truancy is an unexcused absence and is a permanent mark in the child's attendance. After the second truancy, the district sends out a truancy letter to the legal guardians/parents notifying them of the unexcused absences. The third truancy will result in a second letter, which will result in the Student Advisor contacting the guardians/parents to schedule a SART (Student Attendance Review Team) meeting to discuss the attendance issues and to attempt to find a solution for any issues the student and family may be experiencing. During this meeting, the studentis placed on an "Attendance Contract," which a signed agreement from the parents/guardians, administrators, and student that the attendance will be worked on and will hopefully no longer be an issue. A copy of the contract is placed in the student's file. Should the child continue to receive truancies, the matter will be escalated to the district office and later the District Attorney's office for possible prosecution. Regular school attendance is not only beneficial to the student's success, but also a requirement set forth by the law. To prevent attendance from becoming an issue, please have your child at school on time and be sure to call in for any absences in a timely manner.

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