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Rick Neault

Hello, my name Is Mr. Neault

I teach 8th grade language arts

Updated: 8:15 A.M. on  THURSDAY, March 12, 2020    (Homework listed below!

Welcome to Mr. Neault's class website! I look forward to helping your kids improve their language arts skills as well as mature along the way. Below, I will be listing your child's daily homework, so you can always find out what he or she has to get done. Of course, each day I give them time to write the homework in their planners, so you should be able to see it there as well, but this will be another resource for you in case your child loses his or her planner or chooses not to write the homework down correctly.

 By 5:00 p.m. each day that it has been updated, you can assume the homework listed is accurate. During the school day I may tinker with it, but by 4:30 p.m. it should be fully updated!

 NOTE:  As a rule, I do not let students turn in a homework assignment on the same day I gave it to them, so if your child tells you he or she finished it already, please insist he or she shows it to you.

 Also, I encourage you to actually take a few minutes to look through your child's completed work, because my students often make easy-to-fix mistakes that an adult will notice quickly (words left out, no periods on sentences, misspellings, etc.). Just as important, it's a great way to show your child you care about his or her learning!

 Finally, thanks for your time, interest, and support in helping your child improve and succeed!


Mr. Neault


1st Period:  Students finished or nearly finished working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to complete a reading comprehension sheet about Shaquille O'Neal.

2nd Period:  Students finished or nearly finished working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to complete a reading comprehension sheet about Shaquille O'Neal.

3rd Period:  Students finished or nearly finished working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to complete a reading comprehension sheet about Shaquille O'Neal.

4th Period:  Students finished or nearly finished working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to complete a reading comprehension sheet about Shaquille O'Neal.

5th Period:  Students continued watching a documentary about the national spelling bee. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students finished or nearly finished working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to complete a reading comprehension sheet about Shaquille O'Neal.


1st Period:  Students took their quiz. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students took their quiz. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  Students took their quiz. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students took their quiz. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students started watching a documentary about the national spelling bee. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students took their quiz. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 213-224 in their textbooks, and they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow.

2nd Period:  Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 213-224 in their textbooks, and they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow.

3rd Period:  Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 213-224 in their textbooks, and they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow.

4th Period:  Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 213-224 in their textbooks, and they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students finished writing their rhyming poems in the computer lab with their partner. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 213-224 in their textbooks, and they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow.


1st Period:  Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were given a chance to work on other homework. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students continued working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students began working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students began working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  Students began working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students began working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students answered questions related to a non-fiction video they watched. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students began working with their partner on a first-person narrator retelling of "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students learned how to upload their recent essay to Google Docs and TurnItIn. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students learned how to upload their recent essay to Google Docs and TurnItIn. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students learned how to upload their recent essay to Google Docs and TurnItIn. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students learned how to upload their recent essay to Google Docs and TurnItIn. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students worked with a partner to write a rhyming poem. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students learned how to upload their recent essay to Google Docs and TurnItIn. There is no homework tonight.

WEDNESDAY'S HOMEWORK:   Students took their terms quiz today. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students read a poem and reviewed some of the figurative language in it. Those examples are what they need to study tonight for homework, because there will be a quiz on those 13 examples tomorrow.

2nd Period:  Students read a poem and reviewed some of the figurative language in it. Those examples are what they need to study tonight for homework, because there will be a quiz on those 13 examples tomorrow.

3rd Period:   Students read a poem and reviewed some of the figurative language in it. Those examples are what they need to study tonight for homework, because there will be a quiz on those 13 examples tomorrow.

4th Period:  Students read a poem and reviewed some of the figurative language in it. Those examples are what they need to study tonight for homework, because there will be a quiz on those 13 examples tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students were given a homework period today. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students read a poem and reviewed some of the figurative language in it. Those examples are what they need to study tonight for homework, because there will be a quiz on those 13 examples tomorrow.


1st Period:  Students made final revisions to their Hox River essays and printed them up. There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period:  Students made final revisions to their Hox River essays and printed them up. There is no homework this weekend.

3rd Period:  
 Students made final revisions to their Hox River essays and printed them up. There is no homework this weekend.

4th Period:  Students made final revisions to their Hox River essays and printed them up. There is no homework this weekend.

5th Period:  Students worked on iReady lessons in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students made final revisions to their Hox River essays and printed them up. There is no homework this weekend.


1st Period:  Students filled out their yearbook survey. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students filled out their yearbook survey. For homework tonight, they need to answer a minimum 2/3 page written response. Here is a link to the prompt:    Convicted Box Response 2020.docx

3rd Period:  
 Students filled out their yearbook survey. For homework tonight, they need to answer a minimum 2/3 page written response. Here is a link to the prompt:    Convicted Box Response 2020.docx

4th Period:  Students filled out their yearbook survey. For homework tonight, they need to answer a minimum 2/3 page written response. Here is a link to the prompt:    Convicted Box Response 2020.docx

5th Period:  Students worked in the lab on high school and college goals. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students filled out their yearbook survey. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students finished the non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students finished the non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  
 Students finished the non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students finished the a non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students turned in the response about alternative theories of Pyramid construction, then some students were randomly selected to read their work to the class. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students finished the non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students worked in pairs to find evidence from a non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students worked in pairs to find evidence from a non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  
 Students worked in pairs to find evidence from a non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students worked in pairs to find evidence from a non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were given time in the lab to find details about alternative theories of Pyramid construction. 
For homework, they need to write up a 2/3 minimum response on an alternative theory to the Pyramids' construction (that is due on WED.).

6th Period:   Students worked in pairs to find evidence from a non-fiction passage about NBA legend Larry Bird. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students were given more time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue one more day this week to finish.

2nd Period:  Students were given more time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue one more day this week to finish.

3rd Period:  
 Students were given more time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue one more day this week to finish.

4th Period:  Students were given more time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue one more day this week to finish.

5th Period:  Students were given time in the lab to find details about alternative theories of Pyramid construction. 
For homework that is due TUES., they need to answer questions about the story they read in class on Friday. Also, they need to write up a 2/3 minimum response on an alternative theory to the Pyramids' construction (that is due on WED.).

6th Period:   Students were given more time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue one more day this week to finish.


1st Period:  Students were given time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue tomorrow and finish on Monday.

2nd Period:  Students were given time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue tomorrow and finish on Monday.

3rd Period:  
 Students were given time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue tomorrow and finish on Monday.

4th Period:  Students were given time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue tomorrow and finish on Monday.

5th Period:  
Students were given time to finish their 2/3 page written response about the building of the Pyramids that was due at the end of the period. For homework, they need to write up a 2/3 minimum response on an alternative theory to the Pyramids' construction.

6th Period:   Students were given time to type in the final drafts of their Hox River essays. They will continue tomorrow and finish on Monday.


1st Period:  Students were given instructions on writing their concluding paragraph for their Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to complete that paragraph. Here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 9 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

2nd Period:  Students were given instructions on writing their concluding paragraph for their Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to complete that paragraph. Here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 9 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

3rd Period:  
 Students were given instructions on writing their concluding paragraph for their Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to complete that paragraph. Here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 9 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

4th Period:  Students were given instructions on writing their concluding paragraph for their Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to complete that paragraph. Here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 9 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

5th Period:  
Students were given time to work on homework. Their minimum 2/3 written response about the building of the Pyramids is due tomorrow at the end of the period.

6th Period:   Students were given instructions on writing their concluding paragraph for their Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to complete that paragraph. Here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 9 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc


1st Period:  Students were given instructions on writing their introductory paragraph for their Hox River essays, and then were given time to continue working on typing their claim paragraphs into the computer (or work on the introductory paragraph). For tonight's homework, they have to write their introductory paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 8 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

2nd Period:  Students were given instructions on writing their introductory paragraph for their Hox River essays, and then were given time to continue working on typing their claim paragraphs into the computer (or work on the introductory paragraph). For tonight's homework, they have to write their introductory paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 8 of the document):
Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

3rd Period:  
 Students were given instructions on writing their introductory paragraph for their Hox River essays, and then were given time to continue working on typing their claim paragraphs into the computer (or work on the introductory paragraph). For tonight's homework, they have to write their introductory paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 8 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

4th Period:  Students were given instructions on writing their introductory paragraph for their Hox River essays, and then were given time to continue working on typing their claim paragraphs into the computer (or work on the introductory paragraph). For tonight's homework, they have to write their introductory paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 8 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

5th Period:  
Students watched an informational video about a water-related theory of how the Pyramids were built. They took notes and will be writing up a response that will be due Thursday.

6th Period:   
Students were given instructions on writing their introductory paragraph for their Hox River essays, and then were given time to continue working on typing their claim paragraphs into the computer (or work on the introductory paragraph). For tonight's homework, they have to write their introductory paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 8 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc


1st Period:  Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their second claim paragraph for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their third claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

2nd Period:  Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their second claim paragraph for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their third claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

3rd Period:  
 Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their second claim paragraph for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their third claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

4th Period:  Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their second claim paragraph for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their third claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

5th Period:  
Students were given time to work on any homework they have tonight.

6th Period:   Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their second claim paragraph for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their third claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc


1st Period:  Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their first claim paragraphs for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their second claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

2nd Period:  Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their first claim paragraphs for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their second claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

3rd Period:  
 Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their first claim paragraphs for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their second claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

4th Period:  Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their first claim paragraphs for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their second claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

5th Period:  
Students were given time to work on any homework they have tonight.

6th Period:   Students worked in groups to do peer checks on their first claim paragraphs for the Hox essay, then were given time to start on tonight's homework. For tonight, they have to write their second claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc


1st Period:  Students were given the specifics of how to structure the claim paragraphs in their upcoming Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to write their first claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

2nd Period:  Students were given the specifics of how to structure the claim paragraphs in their upcoming Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to write their first claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

3rd Period:  
 Students were given the specifics of how to structure the claim paragraphs in their upcoming Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to write their first claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

4th Period:  Students were given the specifics of how to structure the claim paragraphs in their upcoming Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to write their first claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc

5th Period:  
Students were given time to work on any homework they have tonight.

6th Period:   Students were given the specifics of how to structure the claim paragraphs in their upcoming Hox River essays. For homework tonight, they have to write their first claim paragraph, and here is a link to the Word document that includes all the scaffolding support information and examples they will be seeing throughout the process of writing the essay (the pertinent info for tonight's assignment is on p. 5 of the document):

Hox River Window essay instructions 2020.doc


1st Period:  Students wrote down some words and definitions from their textbook.There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students took part in a group contest using synonyms. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  
 Students took part in a group contest using synonyms. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period: Students took part in a group contest using synonyms. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students finished watching a documentary about America and answering content questions as they watched. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students took part in a group contest using synonyms. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students finished brainstorming textual evidence and identified related quotations in groups for their essays. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students finished brainstorming textual evidence and identified related quotations in groups for their essays. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  
 Students finished brainstorming textual evidence and identified related quotations in groups for their essays. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period: Students finished brainstorming textual evidence and identified related quotations in groups for their essays. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students continued watching a documentary about America and answering content questions as they watched. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students finished brainstorming textual evidence and identified related quotations in groups for their essays. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students were searching for textual evidence in groups for their essays. For homework tonight, they have to do a reading comprehension worksheet.

2nd Period:  Students were searching for textual evidence in groups for their essays. For homework tonight, they have to do a reading comprehension worksheet.

3rd Period:  
 Students were searching for textual evidence in groups for their essays. For homework tonight, they have to do a reading comprehension worksheet.

4th Period: Students were searching for textual evidence in groups for their essays. For homework tonight, they have to do a reading comprehension worksheet.

5th Period:  Students began watching a documentary about America and answering content questions as they watched. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students were searching for textual evidence in groups for their essays. For homework tonight, they have to do a reading comprehension worksheet.


1st Period:  Students were briefed on the structure of the impending essay they're about to start (a response-to-lit. essay on the story they recently finished). They will be searching for textual evidence in groups tomorrow and starting the essay later in the week. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students were briefed on the structure of the impending essay they're about to start (a response-to-lit. essay on the story they recently finished). They will be searching for textual evidence in groups tomorrow and starting the essay later in the week. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  
 Students were briefed on the structure of the impending essay they're about to start (a response-to-lit. essay on the story they recently finished). They will be searching for textual evidence in groups tomorrow and starting the essay later in the week. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period: Students were briefed on the structure of the impending essay they're about to start (a response-to-lit. essay on the story they recently finished). They will be searching for textual evidence in groups tomorrow and starting the essay later in the week. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  
Students were given the period to work on any homework they may have tonight.

6th Period:   Students were briefed on the structure of the impending essay they're about to start (a response-to-lit. essay on the story they recently finished). They will be searching for textual evidence in groups tomorrow and starting the essay later in the week. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students were in the computer lab to write a final version of the writing response from last Friday. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students were in the computer lab to write a final version of the writing response from last Friday. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  
 Students were in the computer lab to write a final version of the writing response from last Friday. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period: Students were in the computer lab to write a final version of the writing response from last Friday. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  
Students took an open-note quiz on the section of reading they did on Friday when they had a substitute. For homework tonight, they have to finish the story and answer the questions on p. 416.

6th Period:   Students were in the computer lab to write a final version of the writing response from last Friday. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students continued their group contest to foster teamwork and synonym practice. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students continued their group contest to foster teamwork and synonym practice. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  
 Students continued their group contest to foster teamwork and synonym practice. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students continued their group contest to foster teamwork and synonym practice. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  
Students finished their compare/contrast response to two passages about explorers Magellan and Cortes. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students continued their group contest to foster teamwork and synonym practice. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students reviewed a previous worksheet and then took part in a group contest. There is no homework tonight,

2nd Period:  Students took their vocabulary quiz from p. R83. There is no homework tonight,

3rd Period:  
 Students took part in a group contest. There is no homework tonight,

 4th Period: Students took part in a group contest. There is no homework tonight,

5th Period:  
Students continued work on a compare/contrast response to two passages about explorers Magellan and Cortes. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students took part in a group contest. There is no homework tonight,


1st Period:  Students looked at 60 New Yorker cartoons to pick their favorites. There is no homework tonight,

2nd Period:  Students looked at 60 New Yorker cartoons to pick their favorites. There is no homework tonight,

2nd Period:  
 Students looked at 60 New Yorker cartoons to pick their favorites. There is no homework tonight,

 4th Period: Students looked at 60 New Yorker cartoons to pick their favorites. There is no homework tonight,

5th Period:  
Students began work on a compare/contrast response to two passages about explorers Magellan and Cortes. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students looked at 60 New Yorker cartoons to pick their favorites. There is no homework tonight,

NOTE:  I'm sorry, I was out sick on Monday.


1st Period:  Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab working on iReady lessons in language arts. For homework, they were given a reading comprehension worksheet (about a fictitious new shampoo!) to complete by Monday. 

2nd Period:  Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab working on iReady lessons in language arts. For homework, they need to study the first 15 words/definitions from p. R83 in the back of the language arts textbook, for a quiz they will have on MONDAY.

2nd Period:  
 Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab working on iReady lessons in language arts. For homework, they were given a reading comprehension worksheet (about a fictitious new shampoo!) to complete by Monday.

 4th Period: Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab, where they could work on their homework if they wished. For homework, they were given a reading comprehension worksheet (about a fictitious new shampoo!) to complete by Monday.

5th Period:  
Students worked on a reading response about the recent baseball cheating scandal. They will be back in the computer lab to finish it on Friday and Monday.

6th Period:   Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab working on iReady lessons in language arts. For homework, they were given a reading comprehension worksheet (about a fictitious new shampoo!) to complete by Monday.


1st Period:  Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab working on iReady lessons in language arts. For homework, they were given a reading comprehension worksheet (about a fictitious new shampoo!) to complete by Monday. 

2nd Period:  Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab working on iReady lessons in language arts. For homework, they need to study the first 15 words/definitions from p. R83 in the back of the language arts textbook, for a quiz they will have on MONDAY.

2nd Period:  
 Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab working on iReady lessons in language arts. For homework, they were given a reading comprehension worksheet (about a fictitious new shampoo!) to complete by Monday.

 4th Period: Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab, where they could work on their homework if they wished. For homework, they were given a reading comprehension worksheet (about a fictitious new shampoo!) to complete by Monday.

5th Period:  
Students worked on a reading response about the recent baseball cheating scandal. They will be back in the computer lab to finish it on Friday and Monday.

6th Period:   Students were either on the field trip or in the computer lab working on iReady lessons in language arts. For homework, they were given a reading comprehension worksheet (about a fictitious new shampoo!) to complete by Monday.


1st Period:  We finished "The Hox River Window," and we will begin the pre-writing process early next week to prepare them for the essay they will write. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  We finished "The Hox River Window," and we will begin the pre-writing process early next week to prepare them for the essay they will write. For homework tonight, they need to copy down the words and definitions from p. R83 in the back of their hard-cover textbooks.

3rd Period:  
 We finished "The Hox River Window," and we will begin the pre-writing process early next week to prepare them for the essay they will write. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: We finished "The Hox River Window," and we will begin the pre-writing process early next week to prepare them for the essay they will write. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  
Students were given time to work on homework. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   We finished "The Hox River Window," and we will begin the pre-writing process early next week to prepare them for the essay they will write. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  After taking their figurative language quiz, the students read more from "The Hox River Window," which we will finish on Tuesday. After that, they'll write a response-to-lit essay about the story. There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period:  After taking their figurative language quiz, the students read more from "The Hox River Window," which we will finish on Tuesday. After that, they'll write a response-to-lit essay about the story. There is no homework this weekend.

3rd Period:  
 After taking their figurative language quiz, the students read more from "The Hox River Window," which we will finish on Tuesday. After that, they'll write a response-to-lit essay about the story. There is no homework this weekend.

 4th Period: After taking their figurative language quiz, the students read more from "The Hox River Window," which we will finish on Tuesday. After that, they'll write a response-to-lit essay about the story. There is no homework this weekend.

5th Period:  Students worked on their iReady language arts lessons in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   After taking their figurative language quiz, the students read more from "The Hox River Window," which we will finish on Tuesday. After that, they'll write a response-to-lit essay about the story. There is no homework this weekend.


1st Period:  The students read more from "The Hox River Window," and we discussed examples of figurative language from pp. 74-75. For homework tonight, they need to study those examples for a quiz they will take tomorrow.

2nd Period:  The students read more from "The Hox River Window," and we discussed examples of figurative language from pp. 74-75. For homework tonight, they need to study those examples for a quiz they will take tomorrow.

3rd Period:   The students read more from "The Hox River Window," and we discussed examples of figurative language from pp. 74-75. For homework tonight, they need to study those examples for a quiz they will take tomorrow.

 4th Period: The students read more from "The Hox River Window," and we discussed examples of figurative language from pp. 74-75. For homework tonight, they need to study those examples for a quiz they will take tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students took the quiz on when to use 'I' versus 'me.' There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   The students read more from "The Hox River Window," and we discussed examples of figurative language from pp. 74-75. For homework tonight, they need to study those examples for a quiz they will take tomorrow.


1st Period:  The students resumed reading "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  The students resumed reading "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   The students resumed reading "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: The students resumed reading "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students practiced when to use 'I' versus 'me.' They will have a quiz on it tomorrow. Here are some examples they can study:

.1)   Joey and  _____I______  won a prize.

.2)   The judge and _____I______ are stuck in jail.

.3)   If you told George and __me__ about France, we’d remember.

.4)   In the summer, the birds and __I__have an understanding.

.5)   Every time you give my brother and _____me____ a ride to school, I’ll give you a cookie.

.6)   To Joe and ___me____, cheating is the worst thing to do.

.7)   If you believe in my mom and ___me__ , you’ll buy our product.

.8)   All the work the kids and ____I____ did on the project was worth it.

6th Period:   The students resumed reading "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  The students orally shared parts of their writing response from last night's homework. They were also given feedback from me regarding how to make their descriptions more vivid and specific. There is no homework tonight, but they need to bring their story packet for "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break.

2nd Period:  The students orally shared parts of their writing response from last night's homework. They were also given feedback from me regarding how to make their descriptions more vivid and specific. There is no homework tonight, but they need to bring their story packet for "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break.

3rd Period:   The students orally shared parts of their writing response from last night's homework. They were also given feedback from me regarding how to make their descriptions more vivid and specific. There is no homework tonight, but they need to bring their story packet for "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break.

 4th Period: The students orally shared parts of their writing response from last night's homework. They were also given feedback from me regarding how to make their descriptions more vivid and specific. There is no homework tonight, but they need to bring their story packet for "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break.

5th Period:  Students practiced when to use 'I' versus 'me'. They will have homework on it tomorrow night, and they will have a quiz on it Thursday. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   The students orally shared parts of their writing response from last night's homework. They were also given feedback from me regarding how to make their descriptions more vivid and specific. There is no homework tonight, but they need to bring their story packet for "The Hox River Window," which we started right before the holiday break.



1st Period:  The students were given a writing prompt to practice using vivid language to describe sensory reactions to the holiday break. After they write it, they will be reading two of their five descriptions to the class. It is due tomorrow, and here is the assignment:

"In at least two paragraphs and minimum ¾ page, describe the most memorable sound, smell, taste, sight, and feel (touch) from the holiday break. Use words that give a vivid mental picture for the reader.

Use pen or type it. It is due tomorrow. Proofread your work for misspellings and capitalization and punctuation mistakes."

2nd Period:  The students were given a writing prompt to practice using vivid language to describe sensory reactions to the holiday break. After they write it, they will be reading two of their five descriptions to the class. It is due tomorrow, and the assignment is listed under the 1st period homework above.

3rd Period:   The students were given a writing prompt to practice using vivid language to describe sensory reactions to the holiday break. After they write it, they will be reading two of their five descriptions to the class. It is due tomorrow, and the assignment is listed under the 1st period homework above.

 4th Period: The students were given a writing prompt to practice using vivid language to describe sensory reactions to the holiday break. After they write it, they will be reading two of their five descriptions to the class. It is due tomorrow, and the assignment is listed under the 1st period homework above.

5th Period:  Students were given a chance to work on homework for most of the period, and then we continued a contest involving finding alternate ways to describe recognizable words. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   The students were given a writing prompt to practice using vivid language to describe sensory reactions to the holiday break. After they write it, they will be reading two of their five descriptions to the class. It is due tomorrow, and the assignment is listed under the 1st period homework above.



1st Period:  The students finished an evidence-finding worksheet they started on Friday. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: The students finished an evidence-finding worksheet they started on Friday. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   The students finished an evidence-finding worksheet they started on Friday. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: The students finished an evidence-finding worksheet they started on Friday. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students began watching"The Nightmare Before Christmas," and we'll have a plot quiz in a few days. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   The students finished an evidence-finding worksheet they started on Friday. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  The students reviewed the peer responses they received about the "Veldt" story endings they wrote. Then they started working with a partner on a non-fiction article and questions regarding famous horses
There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: The students reviewed the peer responses they received about the "Veldt" story endings they wrote. Then they started working with a partner on a non-fiction article and questions regarding famous horsesThere is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   The students reviewed the peer responses they received about the "Veldt" story endings they wrote. Then they started working with a partner on a non-fiction article and questions regarding famous horsesThey have to finish that worksheet for homework tonight.

 4th Period: The students reviewed the peer responses they received about the "Veldt" story endings they wrote. Then they started working with a partner on a non-fiction article and questions regarding famous horsesThere is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students worked on their formal writing assignment in which they explain why they found particular details about the creation of Disneyland interesting. For homework, they need to read pp. 405-414 in their language arts textbooks and answer questions #1-6 on p. 416. That is due MONDAY.

6th Period:   The students went to the computer lab to finish the district's mid-year iReady assessment. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  The students 
went to the computer lab to finish the district's mid-year iReady assessment. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: The students watched and took notes about a documentary explaining the evolution of the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland. They will be turning some of those notes into a formal writing assignment over the next couple days. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   The students watched and took notes about a documentary explaining the evolution of the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland. They will be turning some of those notes into a formal writing assignment over the next couple days. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: The students watched and took notes about a documentary explaining the evolution of the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland. They will be turning some of those notes into a formal writing assignment over the next couple days. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students finished a video about the creation and building of Disneyland and took notes on interesting details as they watched. They will write them up in a formal writing assignment later in the week in which they explain why they found those particular details interesting. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   The students watched and took notes about a documentary explaining the evolution of the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland. They will be turning some of those notes into a formal writing assignment over the next couple days. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  The students were given instructions and strategies on how to complete the optional First Semester Extra Credit assignment, which was given to them last Friday, and which is due this Friday. Then we went to the computer lab to hopefully finish the district's mid-year iReady assessment. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: The students were given instructions and strategies on how to complete the optional First Semester Extra Credit assignment, which was given to them last Friday, and which is due this Friday. Then we went to the computer lab to hopefully finish the district's mid-year iReady assessment. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   The students were given instructions and strategies on how to complete the optional First Semester Extra Credit assignment, which was given to them last Friday, and which is due this Friday. Then we went to the computer lab to hopefully finish the district's mid-year iReady assessment. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: The students were given instructions and strategies on how to complete the optional First Semester Extra Credit assignment, which was given to them last Friday, and which is due this Friday. Then we went to the computer lab to hopefully finish the district's mid-year iReady assessment. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students watched a video about the creation and building of Disneyland and took notes on interesting details as they watched. They will write them up in a formal writing assignment later in the week in which they explain why they found those particular details interesting. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   The students were given instructions and strategies on how to complete the optional First Semester Extra Credit assignment, which was given to them last Friday, and which is due this Friday. Then we went to the computer lab to hopefully finish the district's mid-year iReady assessment. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  The students were in the computer lab to continue the district's mid-year iReady quiz.There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: The students were in the computer lab to continue the district's mid-year iReady quiz.There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   The students were in the computer lab to continue the district's mid-year iReady quiz. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: The students were in the computer lab to continue the district's mid-year iReady quiz. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students worked in the computer lab to finish their written response involving qualities of a potential spouse. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   The students took the quiz and then were in the computer lab to continue the district's mid-year iReady quiz. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  The students were in the computer lab to start the district's mid-year iReady quiz.There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: The students were in the computer lab to start the district's mid-year iReady quiz.There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   The students were in the computer lab to start the district's mid-year iReady quiz. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: The students were in the computer lab to start the district's mid-year iReady quiz. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students worked in the computer lab on a written response involving qualities of a potential spouse. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   The students were in the computer lab to start the district's mid-year iReady quiz. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.


1st Period:  Students gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.

2nd Period: Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students gave peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.

2nd Period: Students gave peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.

3rd Period:   Students gave peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.

 4th Period: Students gave peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students worked in groups to identify and fix grammar mistakes in some sample sentences. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students gave peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.


1st Period:  Students began reading a short story, "Hox River Window," identifying figurative language along the way. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to study the first two pages worth of figurative language examples for a quiz they will take on Wednesday. Once we are done with the story, students will be writing a response-to-lit. essay about it.

2nd Period: Students began reading a short story, "Hox River Window," identifying figurative language along the way. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to study the first two pages worth of figurative language examples for a quiz they will take on Wednesday. Once we are done with the story, students will be writing a response-to-lit. essay about it.

3rd Period:   Students began reading a short story, "Hox River Window," identifying figurative language along the way. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to study the first two pages worth of figurative language examples for a quiz they will take on Wednesday. Once we are done with the story, students will be writing a response-to-lit. essay about it.

 4th Period: Students began reading a short story, "Hox River Window," identifying figurative language along the way. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to study the first two pages worth of figurative language examples for a quiz they will take on Wednesday. Once we are done with the story, students will be writing a response-to-lit. essay about it.

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework assignments. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students began reading a short story, "Hox River Window," identifying figurative language along the way. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to study the first two pages worth of figurative language examples for a quiz they will take on Wednesday. Once we are done with the story, students will be writing a response-to-lit. essay about it.


1st Period:  Students reviewed answers to yesterday's quiz, then began an article about a bad doggy! There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: Students reviewed answers to yesterday's quiz, then began an article about a bad doggy! There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students reviewed answers to yesterday's quiz, then began an article about a bad doggy! There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students reviewed answers to yesterday's quiz, then began an article about a bad doggy! There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students took the second open-note quiz on the story, "The Latehomecomer." There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students reviewed answers to yesterday's quiz, then began an article about a bad doggy! There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students took the "Dracula's Guest" figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: Students took the "Dracula's Guest" figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students took the "Dracula's Guest" figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students took the "Dracula's Guest" figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students took the open-note quiz on pp. 53-57 in their language arts textbooks. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students took the "Dracula's Guest" figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students finished reading "Dracula's Guest" and identifying figurative language. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language terms for a quiz tomorrow.

2nd Period:  Students finished reading "Dracula's Guest" and identifying figurative language. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language terms for a quiz tomorrow.

3rd Period:   Students finished reading "Dracula's Guest" and identifying figurative language. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language terms for a quiz tomorrow.

 4th Period: Students finished reading "Dracula's Guest" and identifying figurative language. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language terms for a quiz tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students worked in pairs on their "Edit and Revise" workbook. For homework tonight, they need to read pp. 53-57 in their language arts textbooks and they will have an open-note quiz tomorrow on those pages.

6th Period:   Students finished reading "Dracula's Guest" and identifying figurative language. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language terms for a quiz tomorrow.


1st Period:  Students began reading "Dracula's Guest" and identified figurative language. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students began reading "Dracula's Guest" and identified figurative language. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students began reading "Dracula's Guest" and identified figurative language. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students began reading "Dracula's Guest" and identified figurative language. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students took the quiz that got postponed last Friday. There is no homework tonight.  

6th Period:   Students began reading "Dracula's Guest" and identified figurative language. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students worked in groups to annotate the poem, "Frankenstein," from the 'Close Reader' workbook.

2nd Period:  Students worked in groups to annotate the poem, "Frankenstein," from the 'Close Reader' workbook.

3rd Period:   Students worked in groups to annotate the poem, "Frankenstein," from the 'Close Reader' workbook.

 4th Period: Students worked in groups to annotate the poem, "Frankenstein," from the 'Close Reader' workbook.

5th Period:  Students took the quiz that got postponed on Friday There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students worked in groups to annotate the poem, "Frankenstein," from the 'Close Reader' workbook.


1st Period:  Students reviewed answers from a previous assignment. For homework, they need to make sure they bring their black 'Close Reader' workbook.

2nd Period:  Students reviewed answers from a previous assignment. For homework, they need to make sure they bring their black 'Close Reader' workbook. The Honors students in this period have the following homework:

Monarch Butterfly honors assignment for website 2019.docx

3rd Period:   Students reviewed answers from a previous assignment. For homework, they need to make sure they bring their black 'Close Reader' workbook.

 4th Period: Students were given time to work on tonight's homework, which is a creative writing assignment related to the documentary. Here is a link to the assignment description:

Monarch Butterfly honors assignment for website 2019.docx

5th Period:  Students reviewed answers from a previous assignment and then had time to work on homework.

6th Period:   Students reviewed answers from a previous assignment. For homework, they need to make sure they bring their black 'Close Reader' workbook.


1st Period:  Students finished taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary. For homework, they need to pick the ten details they found most interesting and write them in complete sentence form. Later in the week, they will be offered the chance to do an optional additional creative writing assignment related to the documentary as well.

2nd Period:  Students finished taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary. For homework, they need to pick the ten details they found most interesting and write them in complete sentence form. Later in the week, they will be offered the chance to do an optional additional creative writing assignment related to the documentary as well.

3rd Period:   Students finished taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary. For homework, they need to pick the ten details they found most interesting and write them in complete sentence form. Later in the week, they will be offered the chance to do an optional additional creative writing assignment related to the documentary as well.

 4th Period: Students finished taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary (They can re-watch it on YouTube if they want--just search 'monarch butterfly documentary' and it comes up first or second. It's 53 minutes long.) For homework, they have a creative writing assignment related to the documentary, and it is due on Thursday. Here is a link to the assignment description:

Monarch Butterfly honors assignment for website 2019.docx

5th Period:  Students took the quiz on the first 15 words/definitions from p. R80 in the textbook, then they were given time to work on homework.

6th Period:   Students finished taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary. For homework, they need to pick the ten details they found most interesting and write them in complete sentence form. Later in the week, they will be offered the chance to do an optional additional creative writing assignment related to the documentary as well.


1st Period:  Students finished the classroom level of the school spelling bee and then began taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary. There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period:  Students finished the classroom level of the school spelling bee and then began taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary. There is no homework this weekend.

3rd Period:   Students finished the classroom level of the school spelling bee and then began taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary. There is no homework this weekend.

 4th Period: Students finished the classroom level of the school spelling bee and then began taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary. There is no homework this weekend.

5th Period:  Students got a chance to work in the computer lab on the district's iReady lessons in language arts. For homework this weekend, they need to study for the quiz they will take on Tuesday on the first 15 words/definitions from p. R80 in the textbook.

6th Period:   Students finished the classroom level of the school spelling bee and then began taking notes about a Monarch butterfly documentary. There is no homework this weekend.


1st Period:  Students took part on a volunteer basis in the classroom level of the school spelling bee. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students took part on a volunteer basis in the classroom level of the school spelling bee. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students took part on a volunteer basis in the classroom level of the school spelling bee. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students took part on a volunteer basis in the classroom level of the school spelling bee. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students copied down (in pen) some academic vocabulary words and definitions from p. R80 in the back of the literature textbook. If they didn't finish it, it is for homework. Also, there will be a quiz on the first 15 of those words/definitions on Tuesday.

6th Period:   Students took part on a volunteer basis in the classroom level of the school spelling bee. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students handed in the homework and finished answering questions about a Seinfeld episode. There is no homework this week.

2nd Period:  Students handed in the homework and finished answering questions about a Seinfeld episode. There is no homework this week.

3rd Period:   Students handed in the homework and finished answering questions about a Seinfeld episode. There is no homework this week.

 4th Period:  Students handed in the homework and finished answering questions about a Seinfeld episode. There is no homework this week.

5th Period:  Students finished their adjectives vs. adverbs quiz. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students finished answering questions about a Seinfeld episode. For homework tonight, they need to read a passage handout and answer questions about it.


1st Period:  Students answered plot and character questions about a Seinfeld episode. For homework tonight, they need to read a passage handout and answer questions about it. It is due tomorrow.

2nd Period:  Students answered plot and character questions about a Seinfeld episode. For homework tonight, they need to read a passage handout and answer questions about it. It is due tomorrow.

3rd Period:   Students answered plot and character questions about a Seinfeld episode. For homework tonight, they need to read a passage handout and answer questions about it. It is due tomorrow.

 4th Period:  Students answered plot and character questions about a Seinfeld episode. For homework tonight, they need to read a passage handout and answer questions about it. It is due tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students reviewed identifying adjectives vs. adverbs, and they began the quiz. They will finish the quiz tomorrow.

6th Period:   Students answered plot and character questions about a Seinfeld episode. For homework tonight, they need to read a passage handout and answer questions about it. It is due Thursday for this period only.


1st Period:  Students worked with a partner on a spelling exercise using the Spell Check reference books. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students worked with a partner on a spelling exercise using the Spell Check reference books. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students worked with a partner on a spelling exercise using the Spell Check reference books. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students worked with a partner on a spelling exercise using the Spell Check reference books. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students practiced identifying adjectives vs. adverbs a little more, we discussed the answers, then they began the quiz. They will finish the quiz tomorrow.

6th Period:   Students worked with a partner on a spelling exercise using the Spell Check reference books. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.
6th Period:   Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students collaborated on their best responses to some 'guiding questions' from an earlier assignment. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were in the lab to work on some iReady language arts lessons. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students were in the computer lab to revise and print out their Twilight Zone response about suspense. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students reviewed the answers to the quiz on "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 111-116). There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Studentsreviewed the answers to the quiz on  "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 111-116). There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the answers to the quiz on  "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 111-116). There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students reviewed the answers to the quiz on  "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 111-116). There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students reviewed the answers to the 'Fritolaysia' worksheet, then were given homework time.

6th Period:   Students reviewed the answers to the 'Fritolaysia' worksheet, and were given homework time.


NOTE:  There will be no homework on Friday night (Oct. 25th) or Monday night (Oct. 28th).


1st Period:  Students took an open-note quiz on the second half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 111-116). There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students took an open-note quiz on the second half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 111-116). There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students took an open-note quiz on the second half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 111-116). There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students took an open-note quiz on the second half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 111-116). There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students practiced identifying and using adjectives.

6th Period:   Students took an open-note quiz on the second half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 111-116). There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:   Students took an open-note quiz on the first half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 105-110). For homework, they have to read the rest of the story and be ready for an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow.

2nd Period: Students took an open-note quiz on the first half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 105-110). For homework, they have to read the rest of the story and be ready for an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow.

3rd Period:   Students took an open-note quiz on the first half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 105-110). For homework, they have to read the rest of the story and be ready for an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow.

 4th Period:  Students took an open-note quiz on the first half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 105-110). For homework, they have to read the rest of the story and be ready for an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework.

6th Period:   Students took an open-note quiz on the first half of "The Monkey's Paw" (pp. 105-110). For homework, they have to read the rest of the story and be ready for an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow.


1st Period:   Students were given time to work on their Twilight Zone suspense response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday, they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

2nd Period: Students were given time to work on their Twilight Zone suspense response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday, they
 have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

3rd Period:   Students were given time to work on their Twilight Zone suspense response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday, they
 have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave,"
 which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

 4th Period:  Students were given time to work on their Twilight Zone suspense response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday, they
 have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

5th Period:  Students took their re-take quiz and then were given time to work on homework.

6th Period:   Students were given time to work on their Twilight Zone suspense response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday, they
 have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx




1st Period:   Students were given instructions for their Twilight Zone response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday (instead of the original Friday due date), they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

2nd Period: Students were given instructions for their Twilight Zone response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday (instead of the original Friday due date), they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave,"
 which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

3rd Period:   Students were given instructions for their Twilight Zone response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday (instead of the original Friday due date), they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave,"
 which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

 4th Period:  Students were given instructions for their Twilight Zone response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday (instead of the original Friday due date), they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave,"
 which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

5th Period:  Students had a disaster drill and behaved well as a group, so the quiz they were supposed to re-take today (vocab. from p. R83) has been moved to tomorrow. Everyone in the class who took it (except Emma P. and Sean Oropeza) got a 'D' or an 'F' on the quiz the first time. Please help them study harder/better this time.

6th Period:   Students were given instructions for their Twilight Zone response. 
                For homework that is now due Monday (instead of the original Friday due date), they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave,"
 which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx



1st Period:   Students took the pre-PSAT test in class today. For homework tonight, on pp. 21-25 in their "Close Reader" workbooks, they need to do all of the exercises (#1-7). 
                For homework that is due Friday, they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

2nd Period: Students took the pre-PSAT test in class today. For homework tonight, on pp. 21-25 in their "Close Reader" workbooks, they need to do all of the exercises (#1-7).
                For homework that is due Friday, they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

3rd Period:   Students took the pre-PSAT test in class today. For homework tonight, on pp. 21-25 in their "Close Reader" workbooks, they need to do all of the exercises (#1-7).
              For homework that is due Friday, they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

 4th Period:  Students took the pre-PSAT test in class today. For homework tonight, on pp. 21-25 in their "Close Reader" workbooks, they need to do all of the exercises (#1-7).
               For homework that is due Friday, they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx

5th Period:  Students took the pre-PSAT test in class today. For homework tonight, they need to study for a re-take quiz on the first 15 words/definitions from p. R83. Everyone in the class (except Emma P. and Sean Oropeza) got a 'D' or an 'F' on the quiz the first time. Please help them study harder/better this time.

6th Period:   Students took the pre-PSAT test in class today. For homework tonight, on pp. 21-25 in their "Close Reader" workbooks, they need to do all of the exercises (#1-7).
                  For homework that is due Friday, they have to write their response to the prompt about elements of suspense in the Twilight Zone episode, "The Grave," which we watched on Tuesday and Thursday. The link to instructions is here:

Twilight Zone The Grave instructions for Website 2019.docx


1st Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks. 

2nd Period: Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.

 4th Period:  Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks. 

5th Period:  Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.


1st Period:   Students took the apostrophe quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period: Students took the apostrophe quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

3rd Period:   Students took the apostrophe quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

 4th Period:  Students took the apostrophe quiz. There is no homework this weekend. 

5th Period:  Students went to the computer lab to work on iReady language arts lessons. There is no homework this weekend.

6th Period:   Students took the vocab quiz on the words from p. R84. There is no homework this weekend..


1st Period:   Students reviewed the correct answers from the grammar workbook assignment they did in class yesterday. For homework tonight, they need to study that information about apostrophes so they will be ready for a quiz tomorrow.

2nd Period: Students reviewed the correct answers from the grammar workbook assignment they did in class yesterday. For homework tonight, they need to study that information about apostrophes so they will be ready for a quiz tomorrow.

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the correct answers from the grammar workbook assignment they did in class yesterday. For homework tonight, they need to study that information about apostrophes so they will be ready for a quiz tomorrow.

 4th Period:  Students reviewed the correct answers from the grammar workbook assignment they did in class yesterday. For homework tonight, they need to study that information about apostrophes so they will be ready for a quiz tomorrow. 

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on the writing prompt they were given yeseterday, which is due tomorrow.

6th Period:   Students wrote some words and definitions from the "Glossary of Critical Vocabulary" section in the textbook (p. R84). They will have to study those words and definitions for homework tonight, because tomorrow they will have a quiz on the first 15 words ('sponsor -- 'thwart') from that page.

NOTE: I was out sick on Wednesday.


1st Period:   Students read and listened to most of the story, "The Tell-Tale Heart." For homework, they need to finish the story and answer the 'guiding questions' they were given to do at home tonight.

2nd Period: Students read and listened to most of the story, "The Tell-Tale Heart." For homework, they need to finish the story and answer the 'guiding questions' they were given to do at home tonight.

3rd Period:   Students read and listened to most of the story, "The Tell-Tale Heart." For homework, they need to finish the story and answer the 'guiding questions' they were given to do at home tonight.

 4th Period:  Students read and listened to most of the story, "The Tell-Tale Heart." For homework, they need to finish the story and answer the 'guiding questions' they were given to do at home tonight.  

5th Period:  Students were given a reading passage and some reading comprehension questions to answer for homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students read and listened to most of the story, "The Tell-Tale Heart." For homework, they need to finish the story and answer the 'guiding questions' they were given to do at home tonight.


1st Period:   Students took the figurative language quiz on "The Inn of Lost Time." There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: Students took the figurative language quiz on "The Inn of Lost Time." There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students took the figurative language quiz on "The Inn of Lost Time." There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students took the figurative language quiz on "The Inn of Lost Time." There is no homework tonight.  

5th Period:  Students were given three choices of topic for a minimum one-page descriptive writing assignment. It is now due tomorrow.

6th Period:   Students took the figurative language quiz on "The Inn of Lost Time." There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students finished reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. For homework tonight, students must study those examples to prepare for the quiz they will take tomorrow.

2nd Period: Students finished reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. For homework tonight, students must study those examples to prepare for the quiz they will take tomorrow.

3rd Period:   Students finished reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. For homework tonight, students must study those examples to prepare for the quiz they will take tomorrow.

 4th Period:  Students finished reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. For homework tonight, students must study those examples to prepare for the quiz they will take tomorrow.  

5th Period:  Students were given three choices of topic for a minimum one-page descriptive writing assignment. It is now due Thursday instead of Wednesday.

6th Period:   Students finished reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. For homework tonight, students must study those examples to prepare for the quiz they will take tomorrow.



1st Period:   Students began/continued reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period: Students began/continued reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. There is no homework tonight.​

3rd Period:   Students began/continued reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students began/continued reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. There is no homework tonight..  

5th Period:  Students were given three choices of topic for a minimum one-page descriptive writing assignment. It is due Wednesday.

6th Period:   Students began/continued reading the story, "The Inn of Lost Time," and we identified figurative language examples and discussed direct vs. indirect characterization. There is no homework tonight.




1st Period:   Students began a story, "The Inn of Lost Time." For homework, they need to complete their response to the writing prompt they got yesterday. The response is due on Monday, and it must be at least 2/3 of a page, in pen or typed. The prompt is this:

If you could sell the last year (before your death) of your life for money today, how much would you honestly sell it for (and additional years at the same price), and why? Explain your answer, using pen or type it, in at least 2/3 of a page. (There would be no way to know exactly how old you will live to be, but just assume that you’ll live into your mid-70s, which is average in America.)  

2nd Period: Students began a story, "The Inn of Lost Time." For homework, they need to complete their response to the writing prompt they got yesterday. The response is due on Monday, and it must be at least 2/3 of a page, in pen or typed. The prompt is listed above (under 1st period's homework).​

3rd Period:   Students began a story, "The Inn of Lost Time." For homework, they need to complete their response to the writing prompt they got yesterday. The response is due on Monday, and it must be at least 2/3 of a page, in pen or typed. The prompt is listed above (under 1st period's homework).

 4th Period:  For homework, they need to complete their response to the writing prompt they got yesterday. The response is due on Monday, and it must be at least 2/3 of a page, in pen or typed. The prompt is listed above (under 1st period's homework).  

5th Period:  Students copied down some words and definitions from their language arts textbook (the first column of words on p. R83). They will have a quiz on those words/definitions on Monday..

6th Period:   Students went to the lab to finish printing out story endings. For homework, they need to complete their response to the writing prompt they got yesterday. The response is due on Monday, and it must be at least 2/3 of a page, in pen or typed. The prompt is listed above (under 1st period's homework).


1st Period:   Students discussed a writing prompt and then shared out from their groups. The response is due on Monday, and it must be at least 2/3 of a page, in pen or typed.  

2nd Period: Students discussed a writing prompt and then shared out from their groups. The response is due on Monday, and it must be at least 2/3 of a page, in pen or typed. 

3rd Period:   Students discussed a writing prompt and then shared out from their groups. The response is due on Monday, and it must be at least 2/3 of a page, in pen or typed. 

 4th Period:  Students took their vocabulary quiz. They were also given a writing prompt to consider and respond to by Monday. It need to be in pen or typed and be at least 2/3 of a page.   

5th Period:  Students were given a chance to work on their 2/3 page minimum response related to the main character's dilemma in the Twilight Zone episode.

6th Period:   Students discussed a writing prompt and then shared out from their groups. The response is due on Monday, and it must be at least 2/3 of a page, in pen or typed.   


1st Period:   Students had a chance to read their story endings from "The Veldt," then we read the Mr. Munch homework passage aloud. For homework tonight, they need to answer the 20 questions related to the homework passage. 

2nd Period: Students had a chance to read their story endings from "The Veldt," then we read the r. Munch homework passage aloud. For homework tonight, they need to answer the 20 questions related to the homework passage. 

3rd Period:   Students had a chance to read their story endings from "The Veldt," then we read the Mr. Munch homework passage aloud. For homework tonight, they need to answer the 20 questions related to the homework passage. 

 4th Period:  Students copied down some words and definitions from their language arts textbook, and they will have a quiz on those words/definitions tomorrow. Also for homework tonight, they need to answer the 20 questions related to the homework passage I gave them about Mr. Munch.   

5th Period:  Students watched a Twilight Zone episode, and for homework (due Thursday) they have to write a 2/3 page minimum response related to the main character's dilemma in the episode.

6th Period:   Students had a chance to read their story endings from "The Veldt," then we read the Mr. Munch homework passage aloud. For homework tonight, they need to answer the 20 questions related to the homework passage.  


1st Period:   Students reviewed the dialogue quiz answers, then they collaborated to choose the most complete and accurate answers to the questions they had answered about the story, "My Favorite Chaperone." There is no homework tonight. 

2nd Period: Students reviewed the dialogue quiz answers, then they collaborated to choose the most complete and accurate answers to the questions they had answered about the story, "My Favorite Chaperone." There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students finished working with a partner on the chocolate oil rig article to get a chance to raise their previous score. There is no homework tonight. 

 4th Period:   Students reviewed the dialogue quiz answers, then they came to the computer lab to have a few groups finish their story endings. There is no homework tonight.  

5th Period:  Students were given a chance to work on homework from other classes. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students reviewed the dialogue quiz answers, then they came to the computer lab to have a few groups finish their story endings. There is no homework tonight. 



1st Period:   Students took the quiz on punctuating dialogue. There is no homework tonight. 

2nd Period: Students took the quiz on punctuating dialogue. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students took the quiz on punctuating dialogue. There is no homework tonight. 

 4th Period:   Students took the quiz on punctuating dialogue. There is no homework tonight.  

5th Period:  Students worked in the Grammar Review Workbook to identify misplaced modifiers. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students took the quiz on punctuating dialogue. There is no homework tonight. 




1st Period:   Students finished in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to study the sheet I gave them with rules and examples of how to punctuate dialogue. Here is a link to that document:  Punctuating dialogue reference sheet for quiz 2019.docx

2nd Period: Students finished in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to study the sheet I gave them with rules and examples of how to punctuate dialogue. Here is a link to that document:  Punctuating dialogue reference sheet for quiz 2019.docx

3rd Period:   Students finished in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to study the sheet I gave them with rules and examples of how to punctuate dialogue. Here is a link to that document:  Punctuating dialogue reference sheet for quiz 2019.docx  

 4th Period:   Students finished in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to study the sheet I gave them with rules and examples of how to punctuate dialogue. Here is a link to that document:  Punctuating dialogue reference sheet for quiz 2019.docx

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework from other classes. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students finished in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to study the sheet I gave them with rules and examples of how to punctuate dialogue. Here is a link to that document:  Punctuating dialogue reference sheet for quiz 2019.docx 



1st Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 

2nd Period: Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 

3rd Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight.  

 4th Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight.  

5th Period:  Students reviewed the answers to the quiz on punctuating dialogue. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 



NOTE: I was out sick on Friday.


1st Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 

2nd Period: Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 

3rd Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight.  

 4th Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight.  

5th Period:  Students did a little more practice of punctuating dialogue, then they took a quiz on it. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 


1st Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 

2nd Period: Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 

3rd Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight.  

 4th Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight.  

5th Period:  Students corrected the work they did yesterday on punctuating dialogue. They then practiced with some more sentence examples, and we discussed the correct answers. For homework tonight, they need to study their corrected sentences for a quiz they will take tomorrow.

6th Period:   Students worked with their partner in the computer lab on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 


1st Period:   Students continued brainstorming and creating a plot for their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to answer 13 questions from the handout regarding the story they read last night, "My Favorite Chaperone." If the student's last name starts with a letter between A-L, they need to do the 13 odd-numbered questions, and those whose last names start between M-Z need to do the 13 even-numbered questions. 

2nd Period:  Students were in the lab today to work on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 

3rd Period:   Students were in the lab today to work on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 

 4th Period:   Students were in the lab today to work on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 

5th Period:  Students worked on punctuating dialogue, which supports what they'll be doing in language arts. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students were in the lab today to work on their narrative story ending assignment. There is no homework tonight. 


1st Period:   Students continued brainstorming and creating a plot for their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to answer 13 questions from the handout regarding the story they read last night, "My Favorite Chaperone." If the student's last name starts with a letter between A-L, they need to do the 13 odd-numbered questions, and those whose last names start between M-Z need to do the 13 even-numbered questions. 

2nd Period:  Students continued brainstorming and creating a plot for their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to answer 13 questions from the handout regarding the story they read last night, "My Favorite Chaperone." If the student's last name starts with a letter between A-L, they need to do the 13 odd-numbered questions, and those whose last names start between M-Z need to do the 13 even-numbered questions.

3rd Period:   Students continued brainstorming and creating a plot for their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to answer 13 questions from the handout regarding the story they read last night, "My Favorite Chaperone." If the student's last name starts with a letter between A-L, they need to do the 13 odd-numbered questions, and those whose last names start between M-Z need to do the 13 even-numbered questions.

 4th Period:   Students continued brainstorming and creating a plot for their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to answer 13 questions from the handout regarding the story they read last night, "My Favorite Chaperone." If the student's last name starts with a letter between A-L, they need to do the 13 odd-numbered questions, and those whose last names start between M-Z need to do the 13 even-numbered questions.

5th Period:  Students were given a chance to get started on tonight's language arts reading assignment (13 handout questions). There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Tomorrow, students will be brainstorming and creating a plot for their narrative story ending assignment. For homework tonight, they need to answer 13 questions from the handout regarding the story they read last night, "My Favorite Chaperone." If the student's last name starts with a letter between A-L, they need to do the 13 odd-numbered questions, and those whose last names start between M-Z need to do the 13 even-numbered questions. 


1st Period:   Students either finished reading "The Veldt" or began/continued brainstorming with their writing partner as to their narrative story ending assignment will take shape. For homework tonight, they need to read pp. 15-26 in their textbook, which is the rest of the story they began late last week. 

2nd Period:   Students either finished reading "The Veldt" or began/continued brainstorming with their writing partner as to their narrative story ending assignment will take shape. For homework tonight, they need to read pp. 15-26 in their textbook, which is the rest of the story they began late last week. 

3rd Period:   Students either finished reading "The Veldt" or began/continued brainstorming with their writing partner as to their narrative story ending assignment will take shape. For homework tonight, they need to read pp. 15-26 in their textbook, which is the rest of the story they began late last week. 

 4th Period:   Students either finished reading "The Veldt" or began/continued brainstorming with their writing partner as to their narrative story ending assignment will take shape. For homework tonight, they need to read pp. 15-26 in their textbook, which is the rest of the story they began late last week. 

5th Period:  Students were given a chance to get started on tonight's language arts reading assignment (pp. 15-26). There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students either finished reading "The Veldt" or began/continued brainstorming with their writing partner as to their narrative story ending assignment will take shape. For homework tonight, they need to read pp. 15-26 in their textbook, which is the rest of the story they began late last week. 


1st Period:   Students were in the computer lab to finish typing up their argumentative responses. For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 3-14 in their black textbooks, and they need to take notes related to the plot, the main character's goals and obstacles, and the way the main character interacts with and feels about her family and her school situation.

2nd Period:   Students were in the computer lab to finish typing up their argumentative responses. For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 3-14 in their black textbooks, and they need to take notes related to the plot, the main character's goals and obstacles, and the way the main character interacts with and feels about her family and her school situation.

3rd Period:   Students were in the computer lab to finish typing up their argumentative responses. For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 3-14 in their black textbooks.

 4th Period:   Students were in the computer lab to finish typing up their argumentative responses. For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 3-14 in their black textbooks.

5th Period:  Students took a quiz on academic vocabulary. Since I neglected to include it on this website yesterday, I will allow them to re-take a different version of the quiz next Tuesday for any student who wants to do so, and they will receive the average of the two quiz scores.  There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students were in the computer lab to finish typing up their argumentative responses. For homework tonight, they have to read pp. 3-14 in their black textbooks.


1st Period:   Students were in the computer lab and used their rough draft argumentative response from yesterday (about how guns should or shouldn't be regulated) to work on avoiding personal pronouns in an argumentative response. We will finish tomorrow in the lab. There is no homework tonight, but they will have reading homework tomorrow night from their textbooks.

2nd Period:   Students were in the computer lab and used their rough draft argumentative response from yesterday (about how guns should or shouldn't be regulated) to work on avoiding personal pronouns in an argumentative response. We will finish tomorrow in the lab. There is no homework tonight, but they will have reading homework tomorrow night from their textbooks.

3rd Period:   Students were in the computer lab and used their rough draft argumentative response from yesterday (about how guns should or shouldn't be regulated) to work on avoiding personal pronouns in an argumentative response. We will finish tomorrow in the lab. There is no homework tonight, but they will have reading homework tomorrow night from their textbooks.

 4th Period:   Students were in the computer lab and used their rough draft argumentative response from yesterday (about how guns should or shouldn't be regulated) to work on avoiding personal pronouns in an argumentative response. We will finish tomorrow in the lab. There is no homework tonight, but they will have reading homework tomorrow night from their textbooks.

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students were in the computer lab and used their rough draft argumentative response from yesterday (about how guns should or shouldn't be regulated) to work on avoiding personal pronouns in an argumentative response. We will finish tomorrow in the lab. There is no homework tonight, but they will have reading homework tomorrow night from their textbooks.



1st Period:   Students had a substitute teacher today and worked on a writing prompt about gun safety/gun rights. They then shared and discussed their thoughts/responses with the class. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:   Students had a substitute teacher today and worked on a writing prompt about gun safety/gun rights. They then shared and discussed their thoughts/responses with the class. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students had a substitute teacher today and worked on a writing prompt about gun safety/gun rights. They then shared and discussed their thoughts/responses with the class. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:   Students had a substitute teacher today and worked on a writing prompt about gun safety/gun rights. They then shared and discussed their thoughts/responses with the class. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students shared responses from an assignment from their language arts class. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students had a substitute teacher today and worked on a writing prompt about gun safety/gun rights. They then shared and discussed their thoughts/responses with the class. There is no homework tonight.




1st Period:   Students continued taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:   Students continued taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students continued taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:   Students continued taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students took additional notes on a video biography of Mark Twain. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students continued taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:   Students worked on their reading predictions for "The Veldt." For homework,tonight, they need to write 11 sentences (one for each of the 11 irregular verbs we discussed today). They need to have a helping verb accompanying the irregular verb. Here is the chart from which they are getting the words, along with the criteria for grading the assignment:

                                                                      (Helping verbs to

          IRREGULAR VERBS:                        use with past participle verbs):

                                                                      Am     is        are    was     were

                                                          has     had      have    be     been            being

          present                             past                        past participle                 

          begin                               began                     begun         

          bite                                  bit                          bitten

blow                                blew                       blown

          break                               broke                     broken   

          choose                             chose                     chosen 

          do                                    did                         done

          draw                                drew                      drawn

          drink                                drank                     drunk

          drive                                drove                     driven

          eat                                    ate                          eaten

          fall                                   fell                         fallen

-- use helping verbs (has, had, have, am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being)

-- Capitalize the sentence and punctuate the sentence

-- no misspellings or grammar mistakes,  at least six words per sentence


-- use the third column word (past participle), and

   make sure one of the helping verbs is in each sentence

2nd Period:   Same as 1st period. See irregular verb chart above.


3rd Period:   Same as 1st period. See irregular verb chart above.

 4th Period:   Same as 1st period. See irregular verb chart above.

5th Period:  Students were given a period to work on homework..

6th Period:  Same as 1st period. See irregular verb chart above.


1st Period:   Students began taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:   Students began taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students began taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:   Students began taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students took notes on a video biography of Mark Twain. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students began taking the district's iReady reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:   Students continued making reading predictions and discussing them regarding "The Veldt." There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students continued making reading predictions and discussing them regarding "The Veldt." There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  Students took the figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students continued making reading predictions and discussing them regarding "The Veldt." There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were given a chance to work on homework. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students continued making reading predictions and discussing them regarding "The Veldt." There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:   Students took the figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students took the figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to study for a figurative language quiz they will take Monday based on examples from the text.

 4th Period:  Students took the figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight..

5th Period:  Students reviewed the figurative language quiz on "A Sound of Thunder." There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students took the figurative language quiz. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to study for a figurative language quiz they will take tomorrow based on examples from the text.

2nd Period:  Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to study for a figurative language quiz they will take tomorrow based on examples from the text.

3rd Period:  Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to study for a figurative language quiz they will take tomorrow based on examples from the text.

 4th Period:  Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to study for a figurative language quiz they will take tomorrow based on examples from the text.

5th Period:  Students took their figurative language quiz on "A Sound of Thunder." There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to study for a figurative language quiz they will take tomorrow based on examples from the text.


1st Period:   Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to answer an argumentative claim prompt related to one of the story's themes. Here is the prompt:
Writing prompt  (use pen or type it) --- In a 5-6 sentence paragraph, defend one of these two claims:

  1.  It would be helpful in a future society to provide children with technology that does all of their chores for them and caters to all of their wants and needs.
  2.   It would be harmful in a future society to provide children with technology that does all of their chores for them and caters to all of their wants and needs.

2nd Period:  Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to answer an argumentative claim prompt related to one of the story's themes. The prompt is written above (in the First Period listing).

3rd Period:  Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to answer an argumentative claim prompt related to one of the story's themes. The prompt is written above (in the First Period listing).

 4th Period:  Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to answer an argumentative claim prompt related to one of the story's themes. The prompt is written above (in the First Period listing).

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework. For homework tonight, they need to study for the figurative language quiz they will have tomorrow on "A Sound of Thunder." 

6th Period:  Students continued reading "The Veldt" aloud. For homework, they have to answer an argumentative claim prompt related to one of the story's themes. The prompt is written above (in the First Period listing).



1st Period:   Students worked with a partner on the second half of a reading comprehension passage. There is no homework tonight.
2nd Period:  Students worked with a partner on the second half of a reading comprehension passage. There is no homework tonight.
3rd Period:  Students worked with a partner on the second half of a reading comprehension passage. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students worked with a partner on the second half of a reading comprehension passage. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students continued reading "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. They have no homework. 

6th Period:  Students read a reading comprehension passage and then answered questions about it with a partner. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students continued reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students continued reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:  Students continued reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students continued reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students continued reading "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. They have no homework. 

6th Period:  Students continued reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students began reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period:  Students began reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

3rd Period:  Students began reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

4th Period:  Students began reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

5th Period:  Students reviewed yesterday's spelling assignment, then began reading "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. They have no homework. 

6th Period:  Students began reading the story, "The Veldt," and identified figurative language examples for an eventual quiz. There is no homework this weekend.



1st Period:   Students continued the peer presentations. For homework, they need to read the Godiva article I gave them and answer the first 15 questions, in pen, and on a separate piece of paper. 

2nd Period:  Students continued the peer presentations. For homework, they need to read the Godiva article I gave them and answer the first 15 questions, in pen, and on a separate piece of paper..

3rd Period:  Students continued the peer presentations. For homework, they need to read the Godiva article I gave them and answer the first 15 questions, in pen, and on a separate piece of paper. 

4th Period:  Students continued the peer presentations. For homework, they need to read the 'Baby' article I gave them and answer the first 15 questions, in pen, and on a separate piece of paper. 

5th Period:  Students finished working with a partner on a spelling assignment in class. They have no homework. 

6th Period:  Students continued the peer presentations. For homework, they need to read the 'Baby' article I gave them and answer the first 15 questions, in pen, and on a separate piece of paper. 



1st Period:   Students began the peer presentations. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that. 

2nd Period:  Students began the peer presentations. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that...

3rd Period:  Students began the peer presentations. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that. 

4th Period:  Students began the peer presentations. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that. 

5th Period:  Students worked with a partner on a spelling assignment in class. There is no homework tonight. 

6th Period:  Students began the peer presentations. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that. 



1st Period:   Students began the peer interview project. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that. 

2nd Period:  Students began the peer interview project. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that...

3rd Period:  Students began the peer interview project. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that. 

4th Period:  Students began the peer interview project. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that. 

5th Period:  Students began the peer interview project. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that. 

6th Period:  Students began the peer interview project. For homework, they need to get the parent signatures on the two papers I sent home on Monday, if they didn't already do that. 


1st Period:   Students finished "Napoleon Dynamite." They have two different assignments that are optional, and both are due tomorrow: the response to the "Napoleon Dynamite" movie, and a reading comprehension worksheet called "Pledge Drive."

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder who would have a problem with the name on the side of a ship...

3rd Period:  Students finished "Napoleon Dynamite." They have an optional assignment due tomorrow: the 3/4 page response to the "Napoleon Dynamite." 

4th Period:  Students finished "Napoleon Dynamite." They have an optional assignment due tomorrow: the 3/4 page response to the "Napoleon Dynamite." 

5th Period:  Students finished "Napoleon Dynamite." They have two different assignments that are optional, and both are due tomorrow: the response to the "Napoleon Dynamite" movie, and a reading comprehension worksheet called "Pledge Drive." 

6th Period:  Students finished "Napoleon Dynamite." They have two different assignments that are optional, and both are due tomorrow: the response to the "Napoleon Dynamite" movie, and a reading comprehension worksheet called "Pledge Drive." 

7th Period:  Students went over the answers to the last Johnny Tremain quiz. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students watched some of "Napoleon Dynamite" and will be writing a claim response after the movie is done later this week. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder if Kawhi magic can stop the Warriors...

3rd Period:  Students watched some of "Napoleon Dynamite" and will be writing a claim response after the movie is done later this week. There is no homework tonight. 

4th Period:  Students watched some of "Napoleon Dynamite" and will be writing a claim response after the movie is done later this week. There is no homework tonight. 

5th Period:  Students watched some of "Napoleon Dynamite" and will be writing a claim response after the movie is done later this week. There is no homework tonight. 

6th Period:  Students watched some of "Napoleon Dynamite" and will be writing a claim response after the movie is done later this week. There is no homework tonight. 

7th Period:  Students reviewed previous quizzes, and some of the students have a Milky Way reading comprehension sheet to complete tonight (to give them a chance to raise their 'D' or 'F' grade).


1st Period:   Students took the last Anne Frank quiz. The only homework is the optional extra credit assignment that is due tomorrow. (They've had a week to do it.)

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder how the Bucks will win more than one game against the Warriors...

3rd Period:  Students took the last Anne Frank quiz. The only homework is the optional extra credit assignment that is due tomorrow. (They've had a week to do it.) 

4th Period:  Students took the last Anne Frank quiz. The only homework is the optional extra credit assignment that is due tomorrow. (They've had a week to do it.) 

5th Period:  Students took the last Anne Frank quiz. The only homework is the optional extra credit assignment that is due tomorrow. (They've had a week to do it.) 

6th Period:  Students took the last Anne Frank quiz. The only homework is the optional extra credit assignment that is due tomorrow. (They've had a week to do it.) 

7th Period:  Students wrote down words and their definitions from p. R69 in their textbooks, and there will be a quiz on those tomorrow.



1st Period:   Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for a quiz tomorrow based on pp. 346-352 from the Anne Frank play. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and watch the co-equal branches of government try to get their footing...

3rd Period:  Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for a quiz tomorrow based on pp. 346-352 from the Anne Frank play. 

4th Period:  Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for a quiz tomorrow based on pp. 346-352 from the Anne Frank play

5th Period:  Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for a quiz tomorrow based on pp. 346-352 from the Anne Frank play

6th Period:  Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for a quiz tomorrow based on pp. 346-352 from the Anne Frank play

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on tonight's homework, which is to answer the questions at the end of the Anne Frank play.


1st Period:   Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for an open-note quiz tomorrow based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and eat the bottom half of my Milky Way first...

3rd Period:  Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for an open-note quiz tomorrow based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play. 

4th Period:  Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for an open-note quiz tomorrow based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

5th Period:  Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for an open-note quiz tomorrow based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

6th Period:  Students read along with the text while we listened to a dramatization of  it. Their homework tonight is to be ready for an open-note quiz tomorrow based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

7th Period:  Students spent time in the computer lab on homework or math games.. For homework tonight, they have to complete the college football worksheet I forgot to give them yesterday!



1st Period:   Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and listen to the Flower People from the Spinal Tap song...

3rd Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play. 

4th Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

5th Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

6th Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

7th Period:  Students answered questions based on a Tom Petty documentary they were watching. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:   Students were given time to do some of tonight's reading homework, which is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz tomorrow from the Anne Frank play. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and debate which AC/DC song is better, "Walk All Over You," or "Touch Too Much"...

3rd Period:  Students were given time to do some of tonight's reading homework, which is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz tomorrow from the Anne Frank play. 

4th Period:  Students were given time to do some of tonight's reading homework, which is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz tomorrow from the Anne Frank play

5th Period:  Students were given time to do some of tonight's reading homework, which is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz tomorrow from the Anne Frank play

6th Period:  Students were given time to do some of tonight's reading homework, which is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz tomorrow from the Anne Frank play

7th Period:  Students were given an extension on the vocabulary quiz, which will happen tomorrow. It is on the first 15 words/definitions from page R83 in the back of their literature book.



1st Period:   Students took their Anne Frank quiz. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz from the Anne Frank play. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and search for the treasure buried under the 'Big W.'...

3rd Period:  Students took their Anne Frank quiz. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz from the Anne Frank play. 

4th Period:  Students took their Anne Frank quiz. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz from the Anne Frank play

5th Period:  Students took their Anne Frank quiz. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz from the Anne Frank play

6th Period:  Students took their Anne Frank quiz. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework is to read  pp. 325-335 for the next open-note quiz from the Anne Frank play

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework from any of their classes..



1st Period:   Students read along to the audio of part of tonight's homework, which is to read pp. 310-323 in the textbooks, because we will have an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and consider the options before I make the call to Pismo Beach...

3rd Period:  Students read along to the audio of part of tonight's homework, which is to read pp. 310-323 in the textbooks, because we will have an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow. 

4th Period:  Students read along to the audio of part of tonight's homework, which is to read pp. 310-323 in the textbooks, because we will have an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow

5th Period:  Students read along to the audio of part of tonight's homework, which is to read pp. 310-323 in the textbooks, because we will have an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow

6th Period:  Students read along to the audio of part of tonight's homework, which is to read pp. 310-323 in the textbooks, because we will have an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow

7th Period:  Students took notes on the story they're reading in language arts. The notes will be graded for a score..


1st Period:   Students took an open-book quiz on last night's reading. Tonight they need to read pp. 302-309 for an open- NOTE quiz tomorrow. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and watch that furry creature that seems to be trying to pry open the electrical panel out on the wing...

3rd Period:  Students took an open-book quiz on last night's reading. Tonight they need to read pp. 302-309 for an open- NOTE quiz tomorrow. 

4th Period:  Students took an open-book quiz on last night's reading. Tonight they need to read pp. 302-309 for an open- NOTE quiz tomorrow

5th Period:  Students took an open-book quiz on last night's reading. Tonight they need to read pp. 302-309 for an open- NOTE quiz tomorrow

6th Period:  Students took an open-book quiz on last night's reading. Tonight they need to read pp. 302-309 for an open- NOTE quiz tomorrow

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on their homework from other classes..


1st Period:   Students took the first Anne Frank quiz. Tonight they need to read pp. 289-301 from that play. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder whatever happened to super cool Darnell Hillman...

3rd Period:  Students took the first Anne Frank quiz. Tonight they need to read pp. 289-301 from that play. 

4th Period:  Students took the first Anne Frank quiz. Tonight they need to read pp. 289-301 from that play. 

5th Period:  Students took the first Anne Frank quiz. Tonight they need to read pp. 289-301 from that play. 

6th Period:  Students took the first Anne Frank quiz. Tonight they need to read pp. 289-301 from that play. 

7th Period:  Students took turns reading from Johnny Tremain. There is no homework tonight..


1st Period:   Students watched a summary video of Hitler's rise to power as underlying information related to Anne Frank's saga. The quiz that was supposed to be today is being postponed until tomorrow because I put the wrong page numbers on the website last night! The quiz is going to be open-note on pp. 280-288. Sorry for the confusion!

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wait until I get to refuse a subpoena just like everybody else...

3rd Period:  Students watched a summary video of Hitler's rise to power as underlying information related to Anne Frank's saga. The quiz that was supposed to be today is being postponed until tomorrow because I put the wrong page numbers on the website last night! The quiz is going to be open-note on pp. 280-288. Sorry for the confusion! 

4th Period:  Students watched a summary video of Hitler's rise to power as underlying information related to Anne Frank's saga. The quiz that was supposed to be today is being postponed until tomorrow because I put the wrong page numbers on the website last night! The quiz is going to be open-note on pp. 280-288. Sorry for the confusion!

5th Period:  Students watched a summary video of Hitler's rise to power as underlying information related to Anne Frank's saga. The quiz that was supposed to be today is being postponed until tomorrow because I put the wrong page numbers on the website last night! The quiz is going to be open-note on pp. 280-288. Sorry for the confusion!

6th Period:  Students watched a summary video of Hitler's rise to power as underlying information related to Anne Frank's saga. The quiz that was supposed to be today is being postponed until tomorrow because I put the wrong page numbers on the website last night! The quiz is going to be open-note on pp. 280-288. Sorry for the confusion!

7th Period:  Students took an open-book reading quiz on Johnny Tremain. Their illustration is due tomorrow.


1st Period:   Students were given time to continue coloring an illustration they received last week as a reward for finishing the SBAC language arts test. That illustration is due tomorrow, and also for homework, they need to read pp. 200-208 in their textbooks because they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder why Chris Paul seems so angry...

3rd Period:  Students were given time to continue coloring an illustration they received last week as a reward for finishing the SBAC language arts test. That illustration is due tomorrow, and also for homework, they need to read pp. 200-208 in their textbooks because they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow.. 

4th Period:  Students were given time to continue coloring an illustration they received last week as a reward for finishing the SBAC language arts test. That illustration is due tomorrow, and also for homework, they need to read pp. 200-208 in their textbooks because they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow..

5th Period:  Students were given time to continue coloring an illustration they received last week as a reward for finishing the SBAC language arts test. That illustration is due tomorrow, and also for homework, they need to read pp. 200-208 in their textbooks because they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow..

6th Period:  Students were given time to continue coloring an illustration they received last week as a reward for finishing the SBAC language arts test. That illustration is due tomorrow, and also for homework, they need to read pp. 200-208 in their textbooks because they will have an open-note quiz on it tomorrow..

7th Period:  Students were given time to continue coloring an illustration they received last week as a reward for finishing the SBAC language arts test. That illustration is due tomorrow.

NOTE:  With SBAC testing of language arts last week, I decided not to load the kids down with homework that might tax their brains and impact the SBAC scores!


1st Period:   Students used last night's homework to work in a group to create a claim paragraph from the sources in the Performance Task workbooks. For homework tonight, they have to choose two details from the opposing viewpoint so that tomorrow they can contribute to their group when the group has to write a counterargument paragraph.  

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder where the ducks are feeding today...

3rd Period:   Students used last night's homework to work in a group to create a claim paragraph from the sources in the Performance Task workbooks. For homework tonight, they have to choose two details from the opposing viewpoint so that tomorrow they can contribute to their group when the group has to write a counterargument paragraph. 

4th Period:  Students used last night's homework to work in a group to create a claim paragraph from the sources in the Performance Task workbooks. For homework tonight, they have to choose two details from the opposing viewpoint so that tomorrow they can contribute to their group when the group has to write a counterargument paragraph.

5th Period:  Students used last night's homework to work in a group to create a claim paragraph from the sources in the Performance Task workbooks. For homework tonight, they have to choose two details from the opposing viewpoint so that tomorrow they can contribute to their group when the group has to write a counterargument paragraph.

6th Period:  Students used last night's homework to work in a group to create a claim paragraph from the sources in the Performance Task workbooks. For homework tonight, they have to choose two details from the opposing viewpoint so that tomorrow they can contribute to their group when the group has to write a counterargument paragraph.

7th Period:  Students wrote down character traits of tennis greats John McEnroe and Bjorn Borg from a sports documentary we finished. The homework, which is due Monday, is to write a comparison paragraph and a contrast paragraph about the two athletes.


1st Period:   Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. For homework, they have to fill out a PROS/CONS chart based on the sources in pp. 24-28 of their Performance Task workbooks.  

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder why John McEnroe seemed so bitter on the court...

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. For homework, they have to fill out a PROS/CONS chart based on the sources in pp. 24-28 of their Performance Task workbooks. 

4th Period:  Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. For homework, they have to fill out a PROS/CONS chart based on the sources in pp. 24-28 of their Performance Task workbooks.

5th Period:  Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. For homework, they have to fill out a PROS/CONS chart based on the sources in pp. 24-28 of their Performance Task workbooks.

6th Period:  Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. For homework, they have to fill out a PROS/CONS chart based on the sources in pp. 24-28 of their Performance Task workbooks.

7th Period:  Students wrote down character traits of tennis greats John McEnroe and Bjorn Borg from a sports documentary we began watching. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. There is no homework tonight.  

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder what went wrong in Gary Coleman's run for governor way back when...

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. There is no homework tonight. 

4th Period:  Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students reviewed the structure of an argumentative essay. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students were given a chance to start on any homework they have.


1st Period:   Students shared homework responses from yesterday's assignment on "The Landlady." Then they gave group feedback on a previous writing assignment.There is no homework this weekend.  

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and look for lucky dimes on the streets...

3rd Period:   Students shared homework responses from yesterday's assignment on "The Landlady." Then they gave group feedback on a previous writing assignment.There is no homework this weekend. 

4th Period:  Students shared homework responses from yesterday's assignment on "The Landlady." Then they gave group feedback on a previous writing assignment.There is no homework this weekend.

5th Period:  Students shared homework responses from yesterday's assignment on "The Landlady." Then they gave group feedback on a previous writing assignment.There is no homework this weekend.

6th Period:  Students shared homework responses from yesterday's assignment on "The Landlady." Then they gave group feedback on a previous writing assignment.There is no homework this weekend.

7th Period:  Students were given a chance to start on their homework, which is to read and answer some questions about pp. 232-238 in Johnny Tremain.

NOTE:  I was home sick yesterday.


1st Period:   Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.  

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and try to predict the redactions...

3rd Period:   Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight. 

4th Period:  Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students were given a chance to start on their homework, which is to get ready for tomorrow's open-note quiz on pp. 225-231 in Johnny Tremain.


1st Period:   Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will hopefully finish tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep AND have a healthy breakfast/lunch before their testing period!  

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and feel like Bob Seger still sounds pretty darn good in concert these days...

3rd Period:   Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will hopefully finish tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep AND have a healthy breakfast/lunch before their testing period! 

4th Period:  Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will hopefully finish tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep AND have a healthy breakfast/lunch before their testing period!

5th Period:  Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will hopefully finish tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep AND have a healthy breakfast/lunch before their testing period!

6th Period:  Students continued the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will hopefully finish tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep AND have a healthy breakfast/lunch before their testing period!

7th Period:  Students watched some videos related to grammar concepts. They will continue SBAC testing tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep AND have a healthy breakfast before 1st period!


1st Period:   Students began the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will continue tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast before 1st period!  

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and feel good for Tiger...

3rd Period:   Students began the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will continue tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast before 1st period! 

4th Period:  Students began the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will continue tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast before 1st period!

5th Period:  Students began the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will continue tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast before 1st period!

6th Period:  Students began the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will continue tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast before 1st period!

7th Period:  Students were allowed to continue the SBAC state testing in the computer lab. They will continue tomorrow, so for homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast before 1st period!


1st Period:   Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, because their SBAC testing starts on Monday morning!    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and count the green M&M's...

3rd Period:    Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, because their SBAC testing starts on Monday morning!

4th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, because their SBAC testing starts on Monday morning!.

5th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, because their SBAC testing starts on Monday morning!.

6th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to make sure they get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday night, AND have a healthy breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, because their SBAC testing starts on Monday morning!:

7th Period:  Students were shown a Discovery Education video about punctuation rules. There is no homework this weekend.


1st Period:   Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the essay.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and watch the vultures circle...

3rd Period:    Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the essay

4th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the essay.

5th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the essay.

6th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft. Here is a link to the structural expectations for the essay:

Informative essay structure 2019.docx

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on the language arts homework (the informative essay) that is due tomorrow.


1st Period:   Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft by this Friday. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the essay.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder why teams kept letting Virginia escape certain defeat?!

3rd Period:    Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft by this Friday. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the essay

4th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft by this Friday. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the essay.

5th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft by this Friday. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the essay.

6th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions. For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft by this Friday. Below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the essay:

Informative essay structure 2019.docx

7th Period:  Students took the open-note quiz on pp. 212-218 in Johnny Tremain. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions after turning in their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft by this Friday. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the intro and body paragraphs.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder why teams kept letting Virginia escape certain defeat?!

3rd Period:    Students reviewed their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft by this Friday. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the intro and body paragraphs

4th Period:  Students reviewed their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft by this Friday. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the intro and body paragraphs.

5th Period:  Students reviewed their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). For homework, they need to complete their informative essay rough draft by this Friday. Under the 6th period homework below, I put a link to the structural expectations for the intro and body paragraphs.

6th Period:  Students reviewed their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). Here is a link to the structural expectations for the intro and body paragraphs:

Informative essay structure 2019.docx

7th Period:  Students took turns reading aloud from pp. 212-218 in Johnny Tremain, and there will be an open-note quiz on that section tomorrow.


1st Period:   Students reviewed their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). For homework, they need to complete pp. 54-55 in that book by Wednesday.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder why a politician would spread a rumor about noise from windmills causing cancer, and yet fail to provide any evidence for such a claim.....

3rd Period:    Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions after turning in their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). For homework, they need to complete pp. 54-55 in that book by Thursday

4th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions after turning in their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). For homework, they need to complete pp. 54-55 in that book by Thursday.

5th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions after turning in their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). For homework, they need to complete pp. 54-55 in that book by Thursday.

6th Period:  Students practiced and reviewed grammar conventions after turning in their homework from spring break (pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook). For homework, they need to complete pp. 54-55 in that book by Thursday.

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework, unless they were one of the nine kids who needed to work on the spring break homework that they got a zero for today (they were supposed to answer some questions regarding pp. 189-210 in Johnny Tremain).


1st Period:   Students took a language arts department C.F.A. (Common Formative Assessment). For homework during spring break, they need to complete pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and enjoy my spring break.....

3rd Period:    Students took a language arts department C.F.A. (Common Formative Assessment). For homework during spring break, they need to complete pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook

4th Period:  Students took a language arts department C.F.A. (Common Formative Assessment). For homework during spring break, they need to complete pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook.

5th Period:  Students took a language arts department C.F.A. (Common Formative Assessment). For homework during spring break, they need to complete pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook.

6th Period:  Students took a language arts department C.F.A. (Common Formative Assessment). For homework during spring break, they need to complete pp. 48-52 in the performance assessment workbook.

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework. For the spring break, they need to answer some questions from pp. 189-210 in Johnny Tremain.


1st Period:  Student groups shared their answers from pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks. For homework tonight, they need to answer the questions at the bottom of pp. 45, 46, and 47 in that same workbook.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder what kind of priorities the leader of a political party would need to have to propose a budget that cuts all government support to the Special Olympics.....

3rd Period:    Student groups shared their answers from pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks. For homework tonight, they need to answer the questions at the bottom of pp. 45, 46, and 47 in that same workbook

4th Period:  Student groups shared their answers from pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks. For homework tonight, they need to answer the questions at the bottom of pp. 45, 46, and 47 in that same workbook.

5th Period:  Student groups shared their answers from pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks. For homework tonight, they need to answer the questions at the bottom of pp. 45, 46, and 47 in that same workbook.

6th Period:  Student groups shared their answers from pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks. For homework tonight, they need to answer the questions at the bottom of pp. 45, 46, and 47 in that same workbook.

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework from other classes. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students finished a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test. For homework, students need to read pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks and answer the questions on pp. 37, 39, and 41.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wait for the next episode of "Top Chef".....

3rd Period:    Students finished a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test. For homework, students need to read pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks and answer the questions on pp. 37, 39, and 41

4th Period:  Students finished a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test. For homework, students need to read pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks and answer the questions on pp. 37, 39, and 41.

5th Period:  Students finished a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test. For homework, students need to read pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks and answer the questions on pp. 37, 39, and 41.

6th Period:  Students finished a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test. For homework, students need to read pp. 36-41 in their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks and answer the questions on pp. 37, 39, and 41.

7th Period:  Students were given time to prepare for the Johnny Tremain quiz, then they took it. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students continued a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. Their homework is to bring their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks to class starting tomorrow.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder when I'll find the lucky charms in the bowl.....

3rd Period:    Students continued a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. Their homework is to bring their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks to class starting tomorrow

4th Period:  Students continued a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. Their homework is to bring their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks to class starting tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students continued a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. Their homework is to bring their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks to class starting tomorrow.

6th Period:  Students continued a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. Their homework is to bring their green 'Performance Assessment' workbooks to class starting tomorrow.

7th Period:  Students were given a period to work on various homework, which includes their 7th period assignment---reading from their Johnny Tremain novel to prepare for tomorrow's open-note quiz on pp. 183-188.


1st Period:  Students were given a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder when the main lava blob will make its way to the top of the lamp.....

3rd Period:    Students were given a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight

4th Period:  Students were given a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were given a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students were given a review of their answers to the SBAC practice test which they took recently in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students took turns reading from their Johnny Tremain novels, and this Wednesday they will have an open-note quiz on pp. 183-188.


1st Period:  Students collaborated on quality answers to last night's homework questions. For homework tonight, they need to study for a quiz tomorrow on the figurative language examples in the "Dog Heaven" story.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wait for more friends of deceased war hero John McCain to come to his defense in Congress.....

3rd Period:    Students collaborated on quality answers to last night's homework questions. For homework tonight, they need to study for a quiz tomorrow on the figurative language examples in the "Dog Heaven" story

4th Period:  Students collaborated on quality answers to last night's homework questions. For homework tonight, they need to study for a quiz tomorrow on the figurative language examples in the "Dog Heaven" story.

5th Period:  Students collaborated on quality answers to last night's homework questions. For homework tonight, they need to study for a quiz tomorrow on the figurative language examples in the "Dog Heaven" story.

6th Period:  Students collaborated on quality answers to last night's homework questions. For homework tonight, they need to study for a quiz tomorrow on the figurative language examples in the "Dog Heaven" story.

7th Period:  Students began working on an argumentative response that is due Friday. They also need to read pp. 164-179 in the Johnny Tremain novels by Monday.


1st Period:  Students finished sharing their Hesperus poems. For homework, they need to finish the "Dog Heaven" story and answer the questions at the end.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if Zion's shoes will fall apart again.....

3rd Period:    Students read along with the rest of the "Dog Heaven" story. For homework, they need to answer the questions at the end. 

4th Period:  Students read along with the rest of the "Dog Heaven" story. For homework, they need to answer the questions at the end.

5th Period:  Students read along with the rest of the "Dog Heaven" story. For homework, they need to answer the questions at the end.

6th Period:  Students read along with the rest of the "Dog Heaven" story. For homework, they need to answer the questions at the end.

7th Period:  Students took the quiz. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students shared some Hesperus poems. For homework tonight, they need to read the first five pages of  the "Dog Heaven" story I handed out.    

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if the balloon is still suck to the ceiling.....

3rd Period:    Students practiced for an upcoming C.F.A. involving figurative language. For homework tonight, they need to read the first five pages of  the "Dog Heaven" story I handed out

4th Period:  Students practiced for an upcoming C.F.A. involving figurative language. For homework tonight, they need to read the first five pages of  the "Dog Heaven" story I handed out.

5th Period:  Students practiced for an upcoming C.F.A. involving figurative language. For homework tonight, they need to read the first five pages of  the "Dog Heaven" story I handed out.

6th Period:  Students practiced for an upcoming C.F.A. involving figurative language. For homework tonight, they need to read the first five pages of  the "Dog Heaven" story I handed out.

7th Period:  For homework tonight, they need to do reading AND take notes from â€‹Johnny Tremain​, since they will have an open-note quiz on pp. 150-163 tomorrow.



1st Period:  Students were given time to work on their homework, which is to describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is due tomorrow.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if the balloon is still suck to the ceiling.....

3rd Period:    Students shared their movie plot poems, there is no homework tonight. 

4th Period:  Students shared their movie plot poems, there is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students shared their movie plot poems, there is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students shared their movie plot poems, there is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  For homework tonight, they need to do reading from ​Johnny Tremain​, since they will have an open-note quiz on pp. 129-140 tomorrow.


1st Period:  Students finished taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to work on turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is going to be due on Thursday for 1st period, but on Wednesday for periods 3-6.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and watch cheesy episodes of "Night Gallery" from the early 70's....

3rd Period:    Students finished taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to finish turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is due tomorrow.

4th Period:  Students finished taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to finish turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is due tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students finished taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to finish turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is due tomorrow.

6th Period:  Students finished taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to finish turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is due tomorrow.

7th Period:  Students were given time in the computer lab to work on their language arts homework. For 7th period homework tonight, they should start reading from â€‹Johnny Tremain​, since they will have an open-note quiz on pp. 129-140 on Thursday.



1st Period:  Students were in the lab to continue taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to work on turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is going to be due on Thursday for 1st period, but on Wednesday for periods 3-6.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder why they had to do a lame remake of the classic, "Bad News Bears"....

3rd Period:   Students were in the lab to continue taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to work on turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is going to be due on Thursday for 1st period, but on Wednesday for periods 3-6.

4th Period:  Students were in the lab to continue taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to work on turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is going to be due on Thursday for 1st period, but on Wednesday for periods 3-6.

5th Period:  Students were in the lab to continue taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to work on turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is going to be due on Thursday for 1st period, but on Wednesday for periods 3-6.

6th Period:  Students were in the lab to continue taking the SBAC practice test. For homework, they need to work on turning their eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie into a rhyming poem, and that assignment is going to be due on Thursday for 1st period, but on Wednesday for periods 3-6.

7th Period:  Students were given time in the computer lab to work on their language arts homework or in the iReady computer learning program. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students shared more of their Hesperus poems and received feedback on them. On Monday they have to turn in a set of eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie. We will be turning those into poem stanzas next week..   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wait for the warm weather to return....

3rd Period:   Students received strategies to help with the poem that is due this Wednesday. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students received strategies to help with the poem that is due this Wednesday. There is no homework tonight

5th Period:  Students received strategies to help with the poem that is due this Wednesday. There is no homework tonight

6th Period:  Students received strategies to help with the poem that is due this Wednesday. There is no homework tonight

7th Period:  Students took the open-note quiz on reading pp. 122-128 in Johnny Tremain. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students went to the computer lab to start the SBAC practice test for language arts. They have no homework tonight, but on Monday they have to turn in a set of eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie. We will be turning those into poem stanzas next week..   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if I'm really hearing a Who or not....

3rd Period:   Students went to the computer lab to start the SBAC practice test for language arts. For homework tonight, they have to turn in a set of eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie. We will be turning those into poem stanzas next week.

4th Period:  Students went to the computer lab to start the SBAC practice test for language arts. For homework tonight, they have to turn in a set of eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie. We will be turning those into poem stanzas next week

5th Period:  tudents went to the computer lab to start the SBAC practice test for language arts. For homework tonight, they have to turn in a set of eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie. We will be turning those into poem stanzas next week

6th Period:  tudents went to the computer lab to start the SBAC practice test for language arts. For homework tonight, they have to turn in a set of eight sentences that describe the plot of a movie. We will be turning those into poem stanzas next week

7th Period:  Students were given time to continue their SBAC practice test in the lab, so I postponed the open-note quiz on reading pp. 122-128 in Johnny Tremain  until tomorrow.


1st Period:  Students finished sharing their Hesperus poems. There is no homework tonight.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and watch the raindrops race down my windshield....

3rd Period:   The homework assignment was explained to the class, and it is due on Friday (8 sentences that explain the plot of a movie of the student's choice).

4th Period:  The homework assignment was explained to the class, and it is due on Friday (8 sentences that explain the plot of a movie of the student's choice).

5th Period:  Students worked from the "Editing and Revising" workbooks in class. Students finished work individually on a spelling correction exercise. The homework assignment was explained to the class, and it is due on Friday (8 sentences that explain the plot of a movie of the student's choice).

6th Period:  Students worked from the "Editing and Revising" workbooks in class. The homework assignment was explained to the class, and it is due on Friday (8 sentences that explain the plot of a movie of the student's choice).

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework, including the fact that they have to finish reading pp. 122-128 in Johnny Tremain to prepare for an OPEN-NOTE quiz on Thursday.



1st Period:  Students finished work individually on a spelling correction exercise. There is no homework tonight except to bring their Close Reader workbooks tomorrow,   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and stretch the hammies....

3rd Period:   Students shared their team poems. There is no homework tonight except to bring their Close Reader workbooks tomorrow,

4th Period:  Students shared their team poems. There is no homework tonight except to bring their Close Reader workbooks tomorrow.

5th Period:  Students finished work individually on a spelling correction exercise. There is no homework tonight except to bring their Close Reader workbooks tomorrow.

6th Period:  Students worked from the "Editing and Revising" workbooks in class. There is no homework tonight except to bring their Close Reader workbooks tomorrow.

7th Period:  Students read aloud from their Johnny Tremain novel. Their homework is to read pp. 122-128 to prepare for an OPEN-NOTE quiz on Thursday.



1st Period:  Students worked individually on a spelling correction exercise. Also, they have a reading comprehension worksheet for homework.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder how purple got so cool....

3rd Period:   Students have a reading comprehension worksheet for homework.

4th Period:  Students have a reading comprehension worksheet for homework.

5th Period:  Students worked individually on a spelling correction exercise. Also, they  have a reading comprehension worksheet for homework.

6th Period:  Students shared their Hesperus poems with the class. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students reviewed answers from two previous Johnny Tremain quizzes. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students began to share their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems. There is no homework tonight.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if some members of Congress watched a lot of snarky TV shows when they were growing up....

3rd Period:   Students finished working in pairs on a spelling exercise. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students finished working in pairs on a spelling exercise. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students continued presenting their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students finished working in pairs on a spelling exercise. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students read pp. 105-110 in their Johnny Tremain books and answered questions about it. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students finished their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems in the lab. They will be presenting them to the class tomorrow. There is no homework tonight.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder when I get to hear the next Beatles song....

3rd Period:   Students worked in pairs on a spelling exercise. Tomorrow they will present more of their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems to the class. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students worked in pairs on a spelling exercise. Tomorrow they will present more of their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems to the class. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students continued presenting their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students worked in pairs on a spelling exercise. Tomorrow they will present more of their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems to the class. There is no homework tonight

7th Period:  Students took an open-book quiz on pp. 105-110 in their Johnny Tremain books, which they read in class today. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students began presenting their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. For homework tonight, they need to do the exercises on pp. 43-48 in their Close Reader workbooks.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder when my ship will come in....

3rd Period:   Students began presenting their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. For homework tonight, they need to do the exercises on pp. 43-48 in their Close Reader workbooks.

4th Period:  Students began presenting their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. For homework tonight, they need to do the exercises on pp. 43-48 in their Close Reader workbooks.

5th Period:  Students began presenting their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. For homework tonight, they need to do the exercises on pp. 43-48 in their Close Reader workbooks.

6th Period:  Students began presenting their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. For homework tonight, they need to do the exercises on pp. 43-48 in their Close Reader workbooks

7th Period:  Students took an open-book quiz on pp. 85-103 in their Johnny Tremain books. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students turned in their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. There is no homework this weekend.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and wonder if LeBron will decide to trade me this weekend....

3rd Period:   Students turned in their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. There is no homework this weekend.

4th Period:  Students turned in their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. There is no homework this weekend.

5th Period:  Students turned in their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. There is no homework this weekend.

6th Period:  Students turned in their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems, and they will be presenting them to the class on Monday. There is no homework this weekend

7th Period:  Students need to read pp. 85-103 in their Johnny Tremain book by Monday, when they will have a quiz on that section.


1st Period:  Students worked on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and avoid the puddle....

3rd Period:   Students were in the lab to finish typing up their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students were in the lab to finish typing up their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were in the lab to finish typing up their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students were in the lab to finish typing up their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight

7th Period:  Students competed in some contests with classmates. Their homework is to read pp. 85-103 in their Johnny Tremain book by Monday, when they will have a quiz on that section.


1st Period:  Students worked on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and slice up a mango in my own awkward way....

3rd Period:   Students were in the lab to start typing up their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students were in the lab to start typing up their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were in the lab to start typing up their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students were in the lab to start typing up their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight

7th Period:  Students were given time in the lab to get more progress done on their poems. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students began working on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and slice up a mango in my own awkward way....

3rd Period:   Students continued working on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students continued working on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students continued working on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students continued working on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework tonight

7th Period:  Students read from the novel, Johnny Tremain, then they answered questions about that section. There is no homework tonight unless they have to finish their questions.


1st Period:  Students finished reciting the lines they memorized from "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework this weekend.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and pause the TV to write this sentence....

3rd Period:   Students began working on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework weekend.

4th Period:  Students began working on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework weekend.

5th Period:  Students began working on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework weekend.

6th Period:  Students began working on their first-person narrator 'Hesperus' poems with a partner. There is no homework weekend

7th Period:  Students read from the novel, Johnny Tremain. There is no homework this weekend.


1st Period:  Students worked on a story about Harriet Tubman, and for homework they need to answer the questions on p. 164 They also need to be ready to recite the lines they memorized from "The Wreck of the Hesperus," if they didn't already do it on Wednesday.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and wonder if you'll be my valentine again....

3rd Period:   Students were given the details of the poem writing assignment they'll do with a partner starting tomorrow morning. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students were given the details of the poem writing assignment they'll do with a partner starting tomorrow morning. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were given the details of the poem writing assignment they'll do with a partner starting tomorrow. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students were given the details of the poem writing assignment they'll do with a partner starting tomorrow. There is no homework tonight

7th Period:  Students were given a Valentine's break with Cool Math Games in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students took turns reciting the lines they memorized from "The Wreck of the Hesperus." There is no homework tonight.   

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and open another box of tissues....

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the figurative language in "The Wreck of the Hesperus." Tomorrow they will begin writing a poem based on the same plot but with a first-person narrator. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students watched a Twilight Zone episode, and tomorrow they will write a pros/cons paragraph about the main character from the episode. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students watched a Twilight Zone episode, and tomorrow they will write a pros/cons paragraph about the main character from the episode. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students finished working with a partner to find figurative language in "The Wreck of the Hesperus." Tomorrow they will begin writing a poem based on the same plot but with a first-person narrator. There is no homework tonight

7th Period:  Students were given homework time to work on homework from other periods. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students finished working with a partner to find figurative language in "The Wreck of the Hesperus." Tomorrow they will begin writing a poem based on the same plot but with a first-person narrator. For homework tonight, the students need to memorize lines # 1-15 and start reciting them tomorrow for a quiz grade. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and despise morning temperatures in the 30's....

3rd Period:   Students finished working with a partner to find figurative language in "The Wreck of the Hesperus." Tomorrow they will begin writing a poem based on the same plot but with a first-person narrator. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students finished working with a partner to find figurative language in "The Wreck of the Hesperus." Tomorrow they will begin writing a poem based on the same plot but with a first-person narrator There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students finished working with a partner to find figurative language in "The Wreck of the Hesperus." Tomorrow they will begin writing a poem based on the same plot but with a first-person narrator. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students worked with a partner to find figurative language in "The Wreck of the Hesperus." Tomorrow they will begin writing a poem based on the same plot but with a first-person narrator. There is no homework tonight

7th Period:  Students took their open-note quiz on pp. 50-65 in Johnny Tremain.  There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students read the poem, "The Wreck of the Hesperus," then worked with a partner to find figurative language in it. There is no homework tonight. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and despise morning temperatures in the 30's....

3rd Period:   Students read the poem, "The Wreck of the Hesperus," then worked with a partner to find figurative language in it. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students read the poem, "The Wreck of the Hesperus," then worked with a partner to find figurative language in it. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students read the poem, "The Wreck of the Hesperus," then worked with a partner to find figurative language in it. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students read the poem, "The Wreck of the Hesperus," then worked with a partner to find figurative language in it. There is no homework tonight

7th Period:  Students will have their next open-note quiz on pp. 50-65 in Johnny Tremain on Tuesday.


1st Period:  Students reviewed the answers to a previous assignment and then some kids read their story endings to the class. There is no homework tonight. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop to pick up that lucky penny....

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the answers to a previous assignment and then some kids read their story endings to the class. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students got a chance to practice the district’s iReady lessons in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students got a chance to practice the district’s iReady lessons in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  
Students got a chance to practice the district’s iReady lessons in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students took the open-note quiz on pp. 43-49 in Johnny Tremain. They will have their next open-note quiz on pp. 50-65 on Monday.

NOTE:  I apologize that I had to leave early on Wednesday and was not able to access the site from home.



1st Period:  Students gave peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. They have a reading comprehension worksheet for homework tonight. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and wonder if Forrest Gump is still running......

3rd Period:   Students gave peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. They have to read a story handout and answer some questions for homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students gave peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. They have to read a story handout and answer some questions for homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students gave peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. They have to read a story handout and answer some questions for homework tonight

6th Period:  
Students finished giving peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on their homework which is to prepare for the open-note quiz tomorrow on pp. 43-49 in Johnny Tremain.


1st Period:  Students gave peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. There is no homework tonight.  

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I stop and wonder whether Gurley was hurt or not...

3rd Period:   Students gave peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period:  Students gave peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  
Students gave peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  
Students gave peer feedback to fellow students regarding the Upper Berth story endings. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on their homework from any periods, and they will have an open-book quiz on Wednesday on pp. 43-49 in Johnny Tremain.




1st Period:  Students began a new story, "The Upper Berth," about a haunted ship. We are identifying figurative language in the story and will be taking a quiz on those examples this Friday. Students will also be working with a classmate to write their own ending to the story. That will happen next week and will count as a separate grade. There is no homework tonight. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder how Freddy "Boom Boom" Washington could be so cool...

3rd Period:
 Students began a new story, "The Upper Berth," about a haunted ship. We are identifying figurative language in the story and will be taking a quiz on those examples this Friday. Students will also be working with a classmate to write their own ending to the story. That will happen next week and will count as a separate grade. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students began a new story, "The Upper Berth," about a haunted ship. We are identifying figurative language in the story and will be taking a quiz on those examples this Friday. Students will also be working with a classmate to write their own ending to the story. That will happen next week and will count as a separate grade. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students began a new story, "The Upper Berth," about a haunted ship. We are identifying figurative language in the story and will be taking a quiz on those examples this Friday. Students will also be working with a classmate to write their own ending to the story. That will happen next week and will count as a separate grade. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students began a new story, "The Upper Berth," about a haunted ship. We are identifying figurative language in the story and will be taking a quiz on those examples this Friday. Students will also be working with a classmate to write their own ending to the story. That will happen next week and will count as a separate grade. There is no homework tonight:

7th Period:
  Students began reading the novel, Johnny Tremain, about a silversmith's apprentice during the time leading up to the Revolutionary War. Students will be taking open-note quizzes as we work our way through the book. Some reading will be done in class, some at home for homework. For homework tonight, students need to finish reading pp. 1-7 so they are ready for tomorrow's open-note quiz on those pages. 



1st Period:  Each student shared verbally a positive detail from their winter break. There is no homework tonight. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and feel sorry for the hands of Alshon Jeffrey...

3rd Period:
 Each student shared verbally a positive detail from their winter break. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Each student shared verbally a positive detail from their winter break. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Each student shared verbally a positive detail from their winter break. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Each student shared verbally a positive detail from their winter break. There is no homework tonight:

7th Period:
  Students took turns reading from a non-fiction passage about who really wrote the Nancy Drew series, then they answered comprehension questions about it. We corrected it afterward. There is no homework tonight. 


1st Period:  Students were given instructions about the optional extra credit assignment that will be due this upcoming Tuesday. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and eat saltines to soothe my aching belly...

3rd Period:
  Students were given instructions about the optional extra credit assignment that will be due this upcoming Tuesday. They were also given instructions about the concluding paragraph of their essay. That paragraph is due on Friday. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

4th Period:  Students were given instructions about the optional extra credit assignment that will be due this upcoming Tuesday. They were also given instructions about the concluding paragraph of their essay. That paragraph is due on Friday A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

5th Period:  Students were given instructions about the optional extra credit assignment that will be due this upcoming Tuesday. They were also given instructions about the concluding paragraph of their essay. That paragraph is due on Friday A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

6th Period:  Students were given instructions about the optional extra credit assignment that will be due this upcoming Tuesday. They were also given instructions about the concluding paragraph of their essay. That paragraph is due on Friday A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below:

Hox River Window essay instructions NEW 2016.doc

7th Period:
  Students took their direct object quiz and were then given time to complete other homework assignments. Also, students were given instructions about the optional extra credit assignment that will be due this upcoming Tuesday. 

NOTE:  Unfortunately I was home sick the last couple days and was unable to post the homework.


1st Period:  Students began taking their iReady diagnostic tests in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight, but Friday night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and practice the Ralph Macchio crane kick...

3rd Period:
  Students began taking their iReady diagnostic tests in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight, but Friday night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

4th Period:  Students began taking their iReady diagnostic tests in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight, but Friday night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

5th Period:  Students began taking their iReady diagnostic tests in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight, but Friday night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

6th Period:  Students began taking their iReady diagnostic tests in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight, but Friday night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below:

Hox River Window essay instructions NEW 2016.doc

7th Period:
  Students went over the direct objects homework, and then did a spelling accuracy assignment. If they didn't finish it in class, it is for homework. Also they were given more direct object practice to do for homework tonight, because there will be a quiz on that topic tomorrow.


1st Period:  Students shared the rough drafts of their introductory paragraphs. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder which Tarantino movie is the best...

3rd Period:
  Students shared the rough drafts of their introductory paragraphs. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

4th Period:  Students shared the rough drafts of their introductory paragraphs. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

5th Period:  Students shared the rough drafts of their introductory paragraphs. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

6th Period:  Students shared the rough drafts of their introductory paragraphs. There is no homework tonight, but tomorrow night's homework will be to write their concluding paragraph after we discuss the structure of it in class. A link to the Word document that includes all of the essay's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below:

Hox River Window essay instructions NEW 2016.doc

7th Period:
  Students practiced identifying direct objects in sentences, and for homework they need to finish pp. 59-60 in their grammar workbooks.


1st Period:  Students brainstormed story elements for their introductory paragraphs. For homework tonight, they need to complete the rough draft of their introductory paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes today's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder whether "So Far Away" is a better Carole King song than "It's Too Late"...

3rd Period:
  Students brainstormed story elements for their introductory paragraphs. For homework tonight, they need to complete the rough draft of their introductory paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes today's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

4th Period:  Students brainstormed story elements for their introductory paragraphs. For homework tonight, they need to complete the rough draft of their introductory paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes today's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

5th Period:  Students brainstormed story elements for their introductory paragraphs. For homework tonight, they need to complete the rough draft of their introductory paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes today's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below the 6th period listing.

6th Period:  Students brainstormed story elements for their introductory paragraphs. For homework tonight, they need to complete the rough draft of their introductory paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes today's instructions and brainstorm results can be found below:
Hox River Window essay instructions NEW 2016.doc

7th Period:
  Students were shown a group dice game involving use of ratios and probability.

NOTE:  I was out sick on Monday.


1st Period:  Students got some feedback on examples from classmates' Hox essay body paragraphs, then were given a short bit of time to start on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder how they make the Northwoods Inn cheese bread so tasty...

3rd Period:
  Students got some feedback on examples from classmates' Hox essay body paragraphs, then were given a short bit of time to start on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

4th Period:  Students got some feedback on examples from classmates' Hox essay body paragraphs, then were given a short bit of time to start on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

5th Period:  Students got some feedback on examples from classmates' Hox essay body paragraphs, then were given a short bit of time to start on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

6th Period:  Students got some feedback on examples from classmates' Hox essay body paragraphs, then were given a short bit of time to start on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below:
Hox River Window essay instructions NEW 2016.doc

7th Period:
  Students were given a chance to get started on their language arts homework (the 3rd body paragraph that is due tomorrow).



1st Period:  Students did a peer check on their body paragraph rough drafts, then had some time to work on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder if enough politicians know the difference between weather and climate...

3rd Period:
  Students did a peer check on their body paragraph rough drafts, then had some time to work on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

4th Period:  Students did a peer check on their body paragraph rough drafts, then had some time to work on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

5th Period:  Students did a peer check on their body paragraph rough drafts, then had some time to work on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

6th Period:  Students did a peer check on their body paragraph rough drafts, then had some time to work on tonight's homework, which is to write their second body paragraph. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them can be found below:
Hox River Window essay instructions NEW 2016.doc

7th Period:
  Students were given a chance to get started on their language arts homework (the 2nd body paragraph that is due tomorrow).


1st Period:  We reviewed the expectations for the body paragraphs in the Hox River Window essays they will begin writing tonight. They were given a handout that explains what to do in each sentence of the body paragraph. Their homework tonight is to write a rough draft of one of their body paragraphs. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them today can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and lament the fantasy loss of the brawler, Leonard Fournette...

3rd Period:
  We reviewed the expectations for the body paragraphs in the Hox River Window essays they will begin writing tonight. They were given a handout that explains what to do in each sentence of the body paragraph. Their homework tonight is to write a rough draft of one of their body paragraphs. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them today can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

4th Period:  We reviewed the expectations for the body paragraphs in the Hox River Window essays they will begin writing tonight. They were given a handout that explains what to do in each sentence of the body paragraph. Their homework tonight is to write a rough draft of one of their body paragraphs. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them today can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

5th Period:  We reviewed the expectations for the body paragraphs in the Hox River Window essays they will begin writing tonight. They were given a handout that explains what to do in each sentence of the body paragraph. Their homework tonight is to write a rough draft of one of their body paragraphs. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them today can be found below, under the listing of 6th Period's homework for today.

6th Period:  We reviewed the expectations for the body paragraphs in the Hox River Window essays they will begin writing tonight. They were given a handout that explains what to do in each sentence of the body paragraph. Their homework tonight is to write a rough draft of one of their body paragraphs. A link to the Word document that includes the handout I gave them today can be found below:
Hox River Window essay instructions NEW 2016.doc

7th Period:
  Students were given a chance to get started on their essay paragraph that is due for language arts homework.


1st Period:  Students finished working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and rest my aching back!

3rd Period:
  Students finished working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:Students finished working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period: Students finished working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students began working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:
  Students were in the lab to practice the district's iReady program for language arts. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students began working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and watch inspirational videos...

3rd Period:
  Students began working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:Students began working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period: Students began working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students began working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:
  Students watched inspirational videos for "What If? Week" that we're having on campus this week. For tonight, they need to study the words and definitions of words #1-15 on p. R84 in their textbook. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students read more from the "Hox River Window" story. We will finish tomorrow and then work on essay pre-writing activities. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and send warm vibes to Leonard Fournette's hamstrings...

3rd Period:
  Students read more from the "Hox River Window" story. We will finish tomorrow and then work on essay pre-writing activities. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period: Students read more from the "Hox River Window" story. We will finish tomorrow and then work on essay pre-writing activities. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period: Students read more from the "Hox River Window" story. We will finish tomorrow and then work on essay pre-writing activities. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period: Students read more from the "Hox River Window" story. We will finish tomorrow and then work on essay pre-writing activities. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:
  Students presented their Halloween couplets poems. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students shared answers from last night's Close Reader homework. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and let the squirrels feed me...

3rd Period:
  Students shared answers from last night's Close Reader homework. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period: Students shared answers from last night's Close Reader homework. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period: Students shared answers from last night's Close Reader homework. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period: Students shared answers from last night's Close Reader homework. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:
  Students worked with their partners on the Halloween couplets poem that they will present to the class. There is no homework tonight.

NOTE: I was home sick on Wednesday.



1st Period:  Students wrote down interesting details from a documentary about the making of "Nightmare before Christmas," then began working on crafting them into a paragraph in the computer lab. We will finish that process in the lab later this week. For homework tonight, students need to read and do the activities on pp. 21-25 in their 'Close Reader' workbooks.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder if having press conferences in front of a loud airplane engine is the most efficient way to answer reporters' questions...

3rd Period:
  Students wrote down interesting details from a documentary about the making of "Nightmare before Christmas," then began working on crafting them into a paragraph in the computer lab. We will finish that process in the lab later this week. For homework tonight, students need to read and do the activities on pp. 21-25 in their 'Close Reader' workbooks.

4th Period: Students wrote down interesting details from a documentary about the making of "Nightmare before Christmas," then began working on crafting them into a paragraph in the computer lab. We will finish that process in the lab later this week. For homework tonight, students need to read and do the activities on pp. 21-25 in their 'Close Reader' workbooks.

5th Period: Students wrote down interesting details from a documentary about the making of "Nightmare before Christmas," then began working on crafting them into a paragraph in the computer lab. We will finish that process in the lab later this week. For homework tonight, students need to read and do the activities on pp. 21-25 in their 'Close Reader' workbooks.

6th Period: Students wrote down interesting details from a documentary about the making of "Nightmare before Christmas," then began working on crafting them into a paragraph in the computer lab. We will finish that process in the lab later this week. For homework tonight, students need to read and do the activities on pp. 21-25 in their 'Close Reader' workbooks.

7th Period:
  Students were in the computer lab to work with their partners on the Halloween couplets poem that they will present to the class. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students reviewed the plot of "The Nightmare before Christmas," then took a plot quiz. The only homework tonight is to bring their 'Close Reader' workbooks tomorrow and each day this week.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder which of Bill Murray's impudent kids in "Rushmore" is more of a rascal...

3rd Period:
  Students reviewed the plot of "The Nightmare before Christmas," then took a plot quiz. The only homework tonight is to bring their 'Close Reader' workbooks tomorrow and each day this week.

4th Period: Students reviewed the plot of "The Nightmare before Christmas," then took a plot quiz. The only homework tonight is to bring their 'Close Reader' workbooks tomorrow and each day this week.

5th Period: Students reviewed the plot of "The Nightmare before Christmas," then took a plot quiz. The only homework tonight is to bring their 'Close Reader' workbooks tomorrow and each day this week.

6th Period: Students reviewed the plot of "The Nightmare before Christmas," then took a plot quiz. The only homework tonight is to bring their 'Close Reader' workbooks tomorrow and each day this week.

7th Period:
  Students were paired up and began working on creating couplets for a Halloween poem that they will present to the class. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students worked in groups to find evidence in a humorous David Sedaris story about elementary school drama productions. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder why so many citizens don't vote but then are willing to complain about the government...

3rd Period:
  Students worked in groups to find evidence in a humorous David Sedaris story about elementary school drama productions. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period: Students worked in groups to find evidence in a humorous David Sedaris story about elementary school drama productions. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period: Students worked in groups to find evidence in a humorous David Sedaris story about elementary school drama productions. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period: Students worked in groups to find evidence in a humorous David Sedaris story about elementary school drama productions. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  

Students worked on iReady in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:  Students finished viewing "The Nightmare before Christmas." Tomorrow they will work on a related assignment involving elements of plot. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder where Zero found Jack Skellington's jawbone before returning it to Jack in the cemetery...

3rd Period:
  Students finished viewing "The Nightmare before Christmas." Tomorrow they will work on a related assignment involving elements of plot. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students finished viewing "The Nightmare before Christmas." Tomorrow they will work on a related assignment involving elements of plot. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period: Students finished viewing "The Nightmare before Christmas." Tomorrow they will work on a related assignment involving elements of plot. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students finished viewing "The Nightmare before Christmas." Tomorrow they will work on a related assignment involving elements of plot. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students took the quiz on matching academic vocabulary terms with their definitions. There is no homework tonight.


WEDNESDAY NIGHT:  No homework on Halloween.


1st Period:  Students finished a group contest out of a Mensa puzzle book. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  Students finished a group contest out of a Mensa puzzle book. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:
  Students finished a group contest out of a Mensa puzzle book. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students finished a group contest out of a Mensa puzzle book. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period: Students finished a group contest out of a Mensa puzzle book. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students finished working on a reading comprehension worksheet about the faded glory of a prom king. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students studied matching academic vocabulary terms with their definitions. There will be a quiz on the information on Wednesday.

NOTE:  I was out on Monday.


1st Period:  Students took the figurative language quiz on # 16-35 in "The Hox River Window." There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if movie previews will ever stop giving away the key plot twists ahead of time!?

3rd Period:
  Students took the figurative language quiz on # 17-28 in "The Hox River Window." There is no homework this weekend.

4th Period:  Students took the figurative language quiz on # 17-28 in "The Hox River Window." There is no homework this weekend.

5th Period: Students took the figurative language quiz on # 16-35 in "The Hox River Window." There is no homework this weekend.

6th Period:  Students took the figurative language quiz on # 17-28 in "The Hox River Window." There is no homework this weekend.

7th Period:  Students worked on matching academic vocabulary terms with their definitions. There will be a quiz on the information on Tuesday.


1st Period:  Students need to study for the figurative language quiz on # 16-35 in "The Hox River Window."

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if red is ever jealous of orange...

3rd Period:
  Students need to study for the figurative language quiz on # 17-28 in "The Hox River Window."

4th Period:  Students need to study for the figurative language quiz on # 17-28 in "The Hox River Window."

5th Period: Students need to study for the figurative language quiz on # 16-35 in "The Hox River Window."

6th Period:  Students need to study for the figurative language quiz on # 17-28 in "The Hox River Window."

7th Period:  Students worked on the district's iReady program in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students took the quiz on the first 15 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if the edges have been smoothed out yet...

3rd Period:
  Students took the quiz on the first 10 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

4th Period:  Students took the quiz on the first 10 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

5th Period: Students took the quiz on the first 10 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

6th Period:  Students need to study for a quiz on the first 15 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

7th Period:  Students finished presenting their Old West volume information. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:   Students need to study for a quiz on the first 15 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if Fournette will return before I turn 73...

3rd Period:
  Students need to study for a quiz on the first 10 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

4th Period:  Students need to study for a quiz on the first 10 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

5th Period: Students need to study for a quiz on the first 10 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

6th Period:  Students need to study for a quiz on the first 15 figurative language examples from "The Hox River Window."

7th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework from any and all classes. Tomorrow they will finish presenting their Old West volume presentations. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students worked on finding evidence from a passage about Mr. Munch. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and watch the uncovered spaghetti sauce moving inside the microwave...

3rd Period:
  Students reviewed the second part of the "Monkey's Paw" quiz. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students reviewed the Huntarr reading comprehension worksheet.There in no homework tonight.

5th Period: Students reviewed the second part of the "Monkey's Paw" quiz. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students reviewed the Huntarr reading comprehension worksheet.There in no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students presented their Old West volume presentations. There is no homework tonight.




1st Period:   Students reviewed the answers to part of the "Monkey's Paw" quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if more and more politicians will start calling people 'Horseface'...

3rd Period:
  Students reviewed the answers to part of the "Monkey's Paw" quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

4th Period:  Students watched a History Channel documentary and answered comprehension questions about it.There in no homework this weekend.

5th Period: Students reviewed the answers to part of the "Monkey's Paw" quiz. There is no homework this weekend.

6th Period:  Students watched a History Channel documentary and answered comprehension questions about it.There in no homework this weekend.

7th Period:  Students were in teams to answer comprehension questions about a non-fiction passage. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:   Students worked on a reading comprehension worksheet. For homework tonight, they need to answer the textbook questions on p. 118.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and wonder if Itchy and Scratchy will ever just get along...

3rd Period:
  Students worked on a reading comprehension worksheet. For homework tonight, they need to answer the textbook questions on p. 118.

4th Period:  Students worked on a reading comprehension worksheet. For homework tonight, they need to answer the textbook questions on p. 118.

5th Period: Students worked on a reading comprehension worksheet. For homework tonight, they need to answer the textbook questions on p. 118.

6th Period:  Students worked on a reading comprehension worksheet. For homework tonight, they need to answer the textbook questions on p. 118.

7th Period:  Students were in the computer lab to practice iReady lessons. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students took the second half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and bang the drum slowly...

3rd Period:
   Students took the second half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students took the second half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." There is no homework tonight.

 5th Period: Students took the second half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." There is no homework tonight.

 6th Period:  Students took the second half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students began presenting the interesting photos and text they found in pairs in a volume about the Old West. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:   Students took the first half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." For homework tonight, they need to finish the story and be prepared to take the open-note quiz on pp. 111-116 tomorrow.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit and eat the peanut butter side of the Nutter Butter...

3rd Period:
   Students took the first half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." For homework tonight, they need to finish the story and be prepared to take the open-note quiz on pp. 111-116 tomorrow.

4th Period:  Students took the first half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." For homework tonight, they need to finish the story and be prepared to take the open-note quiz on pp. 111-116 tomorrow.

 5th Period:  Students took the first half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." For homework tonight, they need to finish the story and be prepared to take the open-note quiz on pp. 111-116 tomorrow.

 6th Period:  Students took the first half of the open-note quiz for "The Monkey's Paw." For homework tonight, they need to finish the story and be prepared to take the open-note quiz on pp. 111-116 tomorrow.

7th Period:  Students worked in pairs to find interesting photos and text in a volume about the Old West, info which they'll share with the class on Wednesday.



1st Period:   Students began listening to and reading pp. 105-113 from "The Monkey's Paw," and they need to finish the reading at home. They will have an open-note quiz on that section of the story tomorrow.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and send warm thoughts of appreciation to Tyreek Hill...

3rd Period:
   Students began listening to and reading pp. 105-113 from "The Monkey's Paw," and they need to finish the reading at home. They will have an open-note quiz on that section of the story tomorrow.

4th Period:   Students began listening to and reading pp. 105-113 from "The Monkey's Paw," and they need to finish the reading at home. They will have an open-note quiz on that section of the story tomorrow.

 5th Period:  Students began listening to and reading pp. 105-113 from "The Monkey's Paw," and they need to finish the reading at home. They will have an open-note quiz on that section of the story tomorrow.

 6th Period:  Students began listening to and reading pp. 105-113 from "The Monkey's Paw," and they need to finish the reading at home. They will have an open-note quiz on that section of the story tomorrow.

7th Period:  Students worked in pairs to find interesting photos and text in a volume about the Old West, info which they'll share with the class on Wednesday. There is no homework tonight.



1st Period:   Students took the quiz on "The Tell-Tale Heart" in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and avoid the bottom parts of the asparagus...

3rd Period:
   Students worked in pairs to find evidence in a reading passage. There is no new homework tonight.

4th Period:   Students worked in pairs to find evidence in a reading passage. There is no new homework tonight.

 5th Period:  Students continued a group contest from earlier in the week. There is no new homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students finished the class spelling bee. There is no new homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students worked in pairs to find interesting photos and text in a volume about the Old West, info which they'll share with the class on Tuesday. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Tomorrow, students will take the quiz on "The Tell-Tale Heart" in the computer lab. There is no new homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and click my glittery red heels...

3rd Period:
   Students took the quiz on "The Tell-Tale Heart" in the computer lab. There is no new homework tonight.

4th Period:   Students took the quiz on "The Tell-Tale Heart" in the computer lab. There is no new homework tonight.

 5th Period:  Students took the quiz on "The Tell-Tale Heart" in the computer lab. There is no new homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students took the quiz on "The Tell-Tale Heart" in the computer lab. There is no new homework tonight.

7th Period:  Students worked on iReady language arts lessons and Cool Math Games in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students were taking the PSAT test. For homework they have to answer six guided questions from Monday's handout.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and think good thoughts for the people in Florida...

3rd Period:
   Students were taking the PSAT test. For homework they have to answer six guided questions from Monday's handout.

4th Period:   Students were taking the PSAT test. For homework they have to answer six guided questions from Monday's handout.

 5th Period:  Students were taking the PSAT test. For homework they have to answer six guided questions from Monday's handout.

6th Period:  Students were taking the PSAT test. For homework they have to answer six guided questions from Monday's handout.

7th Period:  Students were taking the PSAT test. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students read from "The Tell-Tale Heart," and for homework they have to answer 6 guiding questions from a handout.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder who wrote the book of love...

3rd Period:
   Students read from "The Tell-Tale Heart," and for homework they have to answer 6 guiding questions from a handout.

4th Period:   Students read from "The Tell-Tale Heart," and for homework they have to answer 6 guiding questions from a handout.

 5th Period:  Students read from "The Tell-Tale Heart," and for homework they have to answer 6 guiding questions from a handout.

6th Period:   Students read from "The Tell-Tale Heart," and for homework they have to answer 6 guiding questions from a handout.

7th Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the CCGI survey. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students participated on a voluntary basis for the class spelling bee.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and sing the body electric...

3rd Period:
   Students participated on a voluntary basis for the class spelling bee.

4th Period:   Students participated on a voluntary basis for the class spelling bee.

 5th Period:
  Students participated on a voluntary basis for the class spelling bee.

6th Period:   Students participated on a voluntary basis for the class spelling bee.

7th Period:   Students began working on an activity with a partner involving volumes about the Old West.


1st Period:   Students need to study for tomorrow's quiz on subject/verb agreement.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wait for the pendulum to swing back to civility...

3rd Period:
 Students need to study for tomorrow's quiz on subject/verb agreement. 

4th Period: Students need to study for tomorrow's quiz on subject/verb agreement.

 5th Period:
  Students need to study for tomorrow's quiz on subject/verb agreement.

6th Period:   Students need to study for tomorrow's quiz on subject/verb agreement.

7th Period:   Students need to finish their writing response about learning more from a loss or a victory.


1st Period:   Students worked on identifying subject/verb agreement. For homework tonight, they have to practice on 12 more sentences which were given to them.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and dazzle the dog with fancy tricks I know...

3rd Period:
  Students worked on identifying subject/verb agreement. For homework tonight, they have to practice on 12 more sentences which were given to them. 

4th Period: Students worked on identifying subject/verb agreement. For homework tonight, they have to practice on 12 more sentences which were given to them.

 5th Period:  Students worked on identifying subject/verb agreement. For homework tonight, they have to practice on 12 more sentences which were given to them.

6th Period:Students worked on identifying subject/verb agreement. For homework tonight, they have to practice on 12 more sentences which were given to them.

7th Period:   Students took a quiz on the figurative language examples in the story, "Dracula's Guest." There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students watched the 'Chicken Roaster' episode and answered questions about the plot and characters. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wait for Devonta Freeman to not be useless...

3rd Period:
  Students watched the 'Chicken Roaster' episode and answered questions about the plot and characters. There is no homework tonight. 

4th Period: Students watched the 'Chicken Roaster' episode and answered questions about the plot and characters. There is no homework tonight.

 5th Period:  Students watched the 'Chicken Roaster' episode and answered questions about the plot and characters. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period: Students watched the 'Chicken Roaster' episode and answered questions about the plot and characters. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:   Students finished finding figurative language examples in the story, "Dracula's Guest." There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students finished working on the questions about the Larry Bird informational article. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and put a little extra cheese on the nachos...

3rd Period:
  Students finished working on the questions about the Larry Bird informational article. There is no homework tonight. 

4th Period: Students finished working on the questions about the Larry Bird informational article. There is no homework tonight.

 5th Period:  Students finished working on the questions about the Larry Bird informational article. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period: Students finished working on the questions about the Larry Bird informational article. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:   Students continued finding figurative language examples in the story, "Dracula's Guest." There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students discussed the themes and character motivations in "Golden Glass." There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and avoid sweets, much to my psychological torment...

3rd Period:
  Students typed a final draft of their homework responses about "Golden Glass" from last night. There is no homework tonight. 

4th Period: Students typed a final draft of their homework responses about "Golden Glass" from last night. There is no homework tonight.

 5th Period:  Students discussed the themes and character motivations in "Golden Glass." There is no homework this weekend.

6th Period:  Students typed a final draft of their homework responses about "Golden Glass" from last night. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:   Students read from the story about a guest of Dracula. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students discussed last night's homework with classmates and then shared their groups' best answers. For homework tonight, they need to complete the work on p. 8 of their Close Reader workbooks.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder if the pawn shop is going to hold onto my ivory back scratcher long enough for me to go and buy it back...

3rd Period:
  Students discussed last night's homework with classmates and then shared their groups' best answers. For homework tonight, they need to complete the half-page minimum writing assignment they were given.

4th Period: Students discussed last night's homework with classmates and then shared their groups' best answers. For homework tonight, they need to complete the half-page minimum writing assignment they were given.

 5th Period:  Students discussed last night's homework with classmates and then shared their groups' best answers. For homework tonight, they need to complete the half-page minimum writing assignment they were given.

6th Period:   Students discussed last night's homework with classmates and then shared their groups' best answers. For homework tonight, they need to complete the half-page minimum writing assignment they were given.

7th Period:   Students began reading a story about a guest of Dracula. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students worked in groups to find evidence in and make conclusions about a non-fiction passage about basketball great, Larry Bird. For homework tonight, students need to do the activities on pp. 2-7 of their Close Reader workbooks.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and give Mother Theresa a spiritual thumbs-up...

3rd Period:
  Students worked in groups to find evidence in and make conclusions about a non-fiction passage about basketball great, Larry Bird. For homework tonight, students need to do the activities on pp. 2-7 of their Close Reader workbooks.

 4th Period: Students worked in groups to find evidence in and make conclusions about a non-fiction passage about basketball great, Larry Bird. For homework tonight, students need to do the activities on pp. 2-7 of their Close Reader workbooks.

 5th Period:   Students worked in groups to find evidence in and make conclusions about a non-fiction passage about basketball great, Larry Bird. For homework tonight, students need to do the activities on pp. 2-7 of their Close Reader workbooks.

6th Period:
   Students worked in groups to find evidence in and make conclusions about a non-fiction passage about basketball great, Larry Bird. For homework tonight, students need to do the activities on pp. 2-7 of their Close Reader workbooks.

7th Period:
   Students practiced iReady lessons in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students worked in groups to find better ways to write sentences in the "Editing and Revising Workbook." There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and lift all boats...

3rd Period:
  Students worked in groups to find better ways to write sentences in the "Editing and Revising Workbook." There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students worked in groups to find better ways to write sentences in the "Editing and Revising Workbook." There is no homework tonight.

 5th Period:   Students worked in groups to find better ways to write sentences in the "Editing and Revising Workbook." There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:
   Students worked in groups to find better ways to write sentences in the "Editing and Revising Workbook." There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:
   Students reviewed the answers to the Fritolaysia worksheet from language arts. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students continued their peer introductions. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder how long that gum has been stuck under the desk...

3rd Period:
  Students continued their peer introductions. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students continued their peer introductions. There is no homework tonight.

 5th Period:   Students had a contest using a compilation of historic milestones and superlatives. There is no homework tonight..

6th Period:
   Students continued their peer introductions. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:
    Students had a contest using a compilation of historic milestones and superlatives. There is no homework tonight..


1st Period:   Students took an open-book reading comprehension quiz from their textbooks. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and complain about the small print on the labels of almost everything!

3rd Period:
  Students took an open-book reading comprehension quiz from their textbooks. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students took an open-book reading comprehension quiz from their textbooks. There is no homework tonight.

 5th Period:   Students were in the lab to take an open-book reading comprehension quiz on the computers, then worked on finishing their Facebook/social media privacy response. There is no homework tonight..

6th Period:
   Students took an open-book reading comprehension quiz from their textbooks. There is no homework tonight.
7th Period:
   Students worked on iReady lessons in the computer lab There is no homework tonight.

NOTE:  I'm sorry I had to leave work early yesterday and didn't post the homework (Wednesday).


1st Period:   Students worked on a written response in the computer lab. For homework tonight, they need to answer reading comprehension questions about a non-fiction passage.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and try to pick my favorite Twilight Zone episode...

3rd Period:
  Students worked on a written response in the computer lab. For homework tonight, they need to answer reading comprehension questions about a non-fiction passage.

 4th Period:  Students worked on a written response in the computer lab. For homework tonight, they need to answer reading comprehension questions about a non-fiction passage.

 5th Period:   Students worked on a written response in the computer lab. For homework tonight, they need to answer reading comprehension questions about a non-fiction passage.

6th Period:
   Students worked on a written response in the computer lab. For homework tonight, they need to answer reading comprehension questions about a non-fiction passage.

7th Period:
   Students watched "To Serve Man," a Twilight Zone episode, and then were given a writing prompt about how they would deal with the main character's situation. They need to finish it for homework.


1st Period:   Students reviewed the correct answers to a previous assignment. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder when my top two picks, Fournette and D. Freeman, will be able to actually play again...

3rd Period:
  Students reviewed the correct answers to a previous assignment. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students were in the lab either printing out their mini-essays or reading pp. 41-45. They will have a short quiz on it tomorrow.

 5th Period:   Students reviewed the correct answers to a previous assignment. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:
   Students made more progress on their classmate introductions. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:
   Students worked in groups on a category contest. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students finished their movie response mini-essays in the computer lab and turned them in. There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder if I like Fleetwood Mac's "Blue Letter" song better, or "Monday Morning"...

3rd Period:
  Students finished their movie response mini-essays in the computer lab and turned them in. There is no homework this weekend.

 4th Period: Students finished their movie response mini-essays in the computer lab and turned them in. There is no homework this weekend.

 5th Period:
   Students finished their movie response mini-essays in the computer lab and turned them in. There is no homework this weekend.

6th Period:
  Students finished their movie response mini-essays in the computer lab and turned them in. There is no homework this weekend.

7th Period:
   Students worked in the computer lab on iReady language arts/math lessons. There is no homework this weekend.


1st Period:   Students went to the computer lab to work on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraphs #2 and #3 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to make sure they have at least a rough draft version of all three paragraphs when they walk into the classroom tomorrow. They will then be expected to type them up in the lab and print them out tomorrow to turn in at the end of the period. Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wrap the casserole in tin foil until Aunt Gladys arrives...

3rd Period:
  Students went to the computer lab to work on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraphs #2 and #3 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to make sure they have at least a rough draft version of all three paragraphs when they walk into the classroom tomorrow. They will then be expected to type them up in the lab and print them out tomorrow to turn in at the end of the period. Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

 4th Period:
 Students went to the computer lab to work on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraphs #2 and #3 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to make sure they have at least a rough draft version of all three paragraphs when they walk into the classroom tomorrow. They will then be expected to type them up in the lab and print them out tomorrow to turn in at the end of the period. Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

 5th Period:
   Students went to the computer lab to work on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraphs #2 and #3 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to make sure they have at least a rough draft version of all three paragraphs when they walk into the classroom tomorrow. They will then be expected to type them up in the lab and print them out tomorrow to turn in at the end of the period. Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

6th Period:
  Students went to the computer lab to work on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraphs #2 and #3 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to make sure they have at least a rough draft version of all three paragraphs when they walk into the classroom tomorrow. They will then be expected to type them up in the lab and print them out tomorrow to turn in at the end of the period. Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

Movie review response instructions and sample for website 2018.docx

7th Period:
   Students were given extra time to work on their language arts homework in the computer lab. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students worked on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraph #1 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to work on the second and third paragraphs, which will be due (in pen, pencil, or typed) by the end of the period tomorrow (which we will be spending in the computer lab). Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder if Pa will get Half-Pint a pretty new dress like the one Nellie Olsen has...

3rd Period:
  Students worked on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraph #1 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to work on the second and third paragraphs, which will be due (in pen, pencil, or typed) by the end of the period tomorrow (which we will be spending in the computer lab). Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

 4th Period:
 Students worked on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraph #1 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to work on the second and third paragraphs, which will be due (in pen, pencil, or typed) by the end of the period tomorrow (which we will be spending in the computer lab). Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

 5th Period:
   Students worked on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraph #1 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to work on the second and third paragraphs, which will be due (in pen, pencil, or typed) by the end of the period tomorrow (which we will be spending in the computer lab). Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

6th Period:
  Students worked on editing and revising their homework from last night (to complete paragraph #1 of the mini-essay they're writing). Tonight's homework is to work on the second and third paragraphs, which will be due (in pen, pencil, or typed) by the end of the period tomorrow (which we will be spending in the computer lab). Below, you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' which we went over on Monday.

Movie review response instructions and sample for website 2018.docx

7th Period:
   Students finished the Discovery Education video about the rebuilding of the site where the Twin Towers went down on 9/11. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students went to the computer lab to work on their rough draft of the first 'claim paragraph' for the movie response mini-essay. Homework tonight is to finish that first paragraph, either in pen, pencil, or typed. Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' that we discussed today.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and tell Alexa what to play next...

3rd Period:
  Students went to the computer lab to work on their rough draft of the first 'claim paragraph' for the movie response mini-essay. Homework tonight is to finish that first paragraph, either in pen, pencil, or typed. Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' that we discussed today.

4th Period:
 Students went to the computer lab to work on their rough draft of the first 'claim paragraph' for the movie response mini-essay. Homework tonight is to finish that first paragraph, either in pen, pencil, or typed. Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' that we discussed today.

5th Period:
   Students went to the computer lab to work on their rough draft of the first 'claim paragraph' for the movie response mini-essay. Homework tonight is to finish that first paragraph, either in pen, pencil, or typed. Below the 6th period listing you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' that we discussed today.

6th Period:
  Students went to the computer lab to work on their rough draft of the first 'claim paragraph' for the movie response mini-essay. Homework tonight is to finish that first paragraph, either in pen, pencil, or typed. Below, you can find a link to the original assignment instructions, the sentence-by-sentence, full sample of the three-paragraph structure students will need to complete, as well as some additional examples of 'first paragraphs' that we discussed today.

Movie review response instructions and sample for website 2018.docx

7th Period:
   Students watched Discovery Education video about the rebuilding of the site where the Twin Towers went down on 9/11. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students were given a sentence-by-sentence framework to use for their three 'claim paragraphs' for the movie review argumentative mini-essay. There is no official homework tonight, but they are encouraged to start working on their first paragraph now that they know the structure to use.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and imagine a happy Haddonfield before Michael came home...

3rd Period:
  Students were given a sentence-by-sentence framework to use for their three 'claim paragraphs' for the movie review argumentative mini-essay. There is no official homework tonight, but they are encouraged to start working on their first paragraph now that they know the structure to use.

4th Period: Students were given a sentence-by-sentence framework to use for their three 'claim paragraphs' for the movie review argumentative mini-essay. There is no official homework tonight, but they are encouraged to start working on their first paragraph now that they know the structure to use.

5th Period:   Students were given a sentence-by-sentence framework to use for their three 'claim paragraphs' for the movie review argumentative mini-essay. There is no official homework tonight, but they are encouraged to start working on their first paragraph now that they know the structure to use.

6th Period:
  Students were given a sentence-by-sentence framework to use for their three 'claim paragraphs' for the movie review argumentative mini-essay. There is no official homework tonight, but they are encouraged to start working on their first paragraph now that they know the structure to use.

7th Period:
   Students practiced editing and revising a non-fiction article about Autism and Asperger's. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students worked in the computer lab to find evidence in a movie review that will be used to write an argumentative essay next week. There is no homework this weekend.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder when someone will buy ME a pony...

3rd Period:
  Students worked in the computer lab to find evidence in a movie review that will be used to write an argumentative essay next week. There is no homework this weekend.

4th Period:
 Students worked in the computer lab to find evidence in a movie review that will be used to write an argumentative essay next week. There is no homework this weekend.

5th Period:
   Students worked in the computer lab to find evidence in a movie review that will be used to write an argumentative essay next week. There is no homework this weekend.

6th Period:
   Students worked in the computer lab to find evidence in a movie review that will be used to write an argumentative essay next week. There is no homework this weekend.

7th Period:
   Students practiced reading comprehension skill by answering the questions at the end of the "My Favorite Chaperone" story. Any student who didn't finish it already has to finish it for homework this weekend.


1st Period:   Students took the open-note quiz on the last half of "My Favorite Chaperone." There is no homework tonight. 
2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and address the cuticle issues as they arise...
3rd Period:  Students took the open-note quiz on the last half of "My Favorite Chaperone." There is no homework tonight.
4th Period:  Students took the open-note quiz on the last half of "My Favorite Chaperone." There is no homework tonight.
5th Period:   Students took the open-note quiz on the last half of "My Favorite Chaperone." There is no homework tonight.
6th Period:   Students took the open-note quiz on the last half of "My Favorite Chaperone." There is no homework tonight.
7th Period:   Students reviewed the acceptable answers to today's language arts quiz.


1st Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 15-26 in the textbook, and they will have an OPEN-NOTE quiz tomorrow on those pages. 
2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and make sure I'm hydrating.
3rd Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 15-26 in the textbook, and they will have an OPEN-NOTE quiz tomorrow on those pages. 
4th Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 15-26 in the textbook, and they will have an OPEN-NOTE quiz tomorrow on those pages.
5th Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 15-26 in the textbook, and they will have an OPEN-NOTE quiz tomorrow on those pages.
6th Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 15-26 in the textbook, and they will have an OPEN-NOTE quiz tomorrow on those pages.
7th Period:   Students were given time to get a head start on homework from other classes.


1st Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 3-14 in the textbook so they can take part in discussions in class tomorrow. 
2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and recall the days of my youth, when school would be starting just this week...
3rd Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 3-14 in the textbook so they can take part in discussions in class tomorrow. 
4th Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 3-14 in the textbook so they can take part in discussions in class tomorrow.
5th Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 3-14 in the textbook so they can take part in discussions in class tomorrow.
6th Period:   For homework, students need to read pp. 3-14 in the textbook so they can take part in discussions in class tomorrow.
7th Period:   Students answered comprehension questions on the second section of the History Channel documentary about the founding of America. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
3rd Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
4th Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
5th Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
6th Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
7th Period:   Students reviewed comprehension questions on the History Channel documentary about the founding of America. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
3rd Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
4th Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
5th Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
6th Period:   Students were in the computer lab working on the iReady Assessment. There is no homework tonight.
7th Period:   Students answered comprehension questions as they watched a History Channel documentary about the founding of America. There is no homework tonight.


All periods:  No homework tonight.




1st Period:  Students finished working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and rest my aching back!

3rd Period:
  Students finished working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:Students finished working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period: Students finished working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students began working on pre-writing activities for the essay prep related to the story we just read in class. There is no homework tonight.

7th Period:
  Students were in the lab to practice the district's iReady program for language arts. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students finished the story, "The Upper Berth," about a haunted ship. We finished identifying figurative language in the story. For homework tonight, students need to study the figurative language examples for the quiz which will be tomorrow. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder when hard-working Americans get to go back to work instead of waiting for self-serving politicians to develop some empathy...

3rd Period:
 Students took the figurative language for "The Upper Berth." There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students took the figurative language for "The Upper Berth." There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students took the figurative language for "The Upper Berth." There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students took the figurative language for "The Upper Berth." There is no homework tonight:

7th Period:
  Students attended an informational presentation about high school classes and graduation requirements. For homework, students need to finish reading pp. 9-21 so they are ready for tomorrow's open-note quiz on those pages. 


1st Period:  Students finished the story, "The Upper Berth," about a haunted ship. We finished identifying figurative language in the story. For homework tonight, students need to study the figurative language examples for the quiz which will be tomorrow. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and wonder when hard-working Americans get to go back to work instead of waiting for self-serving politicians to develop some empathy...

3rd Period:
 Students took the figurative language for "The Upper Berth." There is no homework tonight.

4th Period:  Students took the figurative language for "The Upper Berth." There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students took the figurative language for "The Upper Berth." There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:  Students took the figurative language for "The Upper Berth." There is no homework tonight:

7th Period:
  Students attended an informational presentation about high school classes and graduation requirements. For homework, students need to finish reading pp. 9-21 so they are ready for tomorrow's open-note quiz on those pages. 


1st Period:   Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and listen to the Flower People from the Spinal Tap song...

3rd Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play. 

4th Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

5th Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

6th Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

7th Period:  Students answered questions based on a Tom Petty documentary they were watching. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play. 

2nd Period:  My prep period, when I sit around and listen to the Flower People from the Spinal Tap song...

3rd Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play. 

4th Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

5th Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

6th Period:  Students reviewed answers to a previous quiz and then watched part of a documentary about Anne Frank. Their homework over the next couple days is to be ready for an open-note quiz on Wednesday based on pp. 339-345 from the Anne Frank play

7th Period:  Students answered questions based on a Tom Petty documentary they were watching. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks. 

2nd Period: Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.

 4th Period:  Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks. 

5th Period:  Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.


1st Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks. 

2nd Period: Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.

 4th Period:  Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks. 

5th Period:  Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.


1st Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks. 

2nd Period: Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.

3rd Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.

 4th Period:  Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks. 

5th Period:  Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. There is no homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students reviewed the apostrophe quiz and/or were given time to work on homework. For language arts, their only homework tonight is to bring in their black softcover "Close Reader" workbooks.


1st Period:  Students gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.

2nd Period: Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.

2nd Period: Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.


1st Period:  Students gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. For homework tonight, they have to study the figurative language examples from the first two pages of the "Hox River Window" story we started reading yesterday. There will be a quiz on those tomorrow.

2nd Period: Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

3rd Period:   Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

 4th Period: Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

5th Period:  Students were given time to work on homework. There is no 5th period homework tonight.

6th Period:   Students took their quiz and then gave more peer feedback on some narrative endings from earlier in the year. There is no homework tonight.

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