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Principal's Greeting

Welcome Future Bobcats!

Welcome to your seventh and eighth grade year as our newest NIS Bobcats! We look forward to working with our families and students to create an engaging learning environment where students are supported in their growth, both academically and socially. At Norco Intermediate School, you will find a caring staff of highly qualified, dynamic teachers. We are ready to build your child’s skills with engaging instruction, consistent accountability systems and high expectations for becoming responsible and thoughtful learners. We use the new Common Core Standards as a guide for developing our lessons and creative instructional programs, including academic electives in areas of drafting, architecture, drama, computers, keyboarding, environmental science, high school, college and career readiness, band, choir, and supportive “Success” programs for study skills and foundational skills that affect future learning in core subjects.

The transition to intermediate school is one of the most difficult in your child’s academic career - from an individual teacher each year to seven different teachers each trimester; from one classroom all day to traveling each period to a new classroom; homework due to different teachers in different subjects each period, PE locker room dress-out daily. Even the loss of recess time can be a shock to our students!

We know we can ease the transition stress with your involvement and consistent communication. We encourage your daily review of our Student Planners, which are provided to each child as a tool for organization and school-home communication. We encourage visits to our web page and Facebook page for event updates and fun campus information. We are excited to invite you to Norco Intermediate as a Bobcat! WELCOME!

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